Nice ,,2´´ vs 4 Cooperative. Player is Player. Practical game tips how to get effective combat skills. Rank 5: This unit is starting to be a very special. Not only for Offensive and Defensive Aura, but also for Supervision over the battlefield. 1) Defensive Stance Rank 5 General: Best positioning is near long range missile towers to provide necessarily vision for the targeting at their max distance. Additional the unit is protected in good chance to get additional rank up. 2) Offensive Stance Rank 5 General. To provide attack bonus is better Officer Rank 4. Rank 5 Offensive stance have best positioning close to long range weapons as siege tanks or missile launchers to provide necessarily vision for targeting at their max distance. 3) Rank Up: In my games the General rank 5 is privileged to kill high valued units as engineers or damaged structures. When rank 6 is reached = Move out from combat with this Unit Level 6. 2 reasons: This unit reached Max of Combat XP and have economic Function now. Rank 6 should be replaced by another Rank 5 for filling the combat tasks if you have more ranks Level 5. / Another special Scouting function have Trikes and Quads min Rank Level 5. But sometime its very difficult to reach level 5 with a most Suitable Ordos Stealth Trike for best example. / Was looking my Ai. Nice job Engineers are keeping healthy the ranked units also for AI. AI can be sometime very nasty with this ability + Officer Auras Bonus Efficiency.
This post has been edited by Markis: Jan 5 2023, 17:00 PM
Rank 5: This unit is starting to be a very special. Not only for Offensive and Defensive Aura, but also for Supervision over the battlefield. 1) Defensive Stance Rank 5 General: Best positioning is near long range missile towers to provide necessarily vision for the targeting at their max distance. Additional the unit is protected in good chance to get additional rank up. 2) Offensive Stance Rank 5 General. To provide attack bonus is better Officer Rank 4. Rank 5 Offensive stance have best positioning close to long range weapons as siege tanks or missile launchers to provide necessarily vision for targeting at their max distance. 3) Rank Up: In my games the General rank 5 is privileged to kill high valued units as engineers or damaged structures. When rank 6 is reached = Move out from combat with this Unit Level 6. 2 reasons: This unit reached Max of Combat XP and have economic Function now. Rank 6 should be replaced by another Rank 5 for filling the combat tasks if you have more ranks Level 5. / Another special Scouting function have Trikes and Quads min Rank Level 5. But sometime its very difficult to reach level 5 with a most Suitable Ordos Stealth Trike for best example. / Was looking my Ai. Nice job Engineers are keeping healthy the ranked units also for AI. AI can be sometime very nasty with this ability + Officer Auras Bonus Efficiency.