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Dune 2K HC Mod

#1Markis  Jan 2 2023, 16:45 PM -
Replays: 31
Nasty suprise for grand master Mod & Map Autor. I was suspecting 4 was winning vs 3 because yellow and green player start locations are hardest for eco management by the yellow player as weakness of this team )...I was wrong. AI Green Gladius OP Stats. 2xLeader Rank 6. https://resource.openra.net/maps/49371/ very finished Mod Leaders & Assassins also for playing with AI using the officers power. This match should be only little harder than usually. 7000 starting credits. But those Ai bots are unpredictable with their some time very Strong playing, some time poor playing. I forgot about my primary intention in this Game. Eco management is One card, but combat skills now more important the Card Second. Ai Gladius Aced me by Combat Skills....Grrr, That cant be TRUE !!!
This post has been edited by Markis: Jan 2 2023, 17:12 PM
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