Good afternoon Hearts of Iron gamer's and welcome to a
Guide to State Affairs - Political Section!
The following guide will take you though core area's of the top right bar in game which consists of the following:
- Political - This is the country you are playing in game, currently this is Germany.
The sections below will be featured again in other guides that will be published at a later date.
- - Research
- - Diplomacy
- - Trade
- - Construction
- - Production
- - Recruit & Deploy
- - Logistics
I will refer back to the above areas later in the guide.
1 - PoliticalThis governs how you generally will run your country.
1.1 - Your countries leader is shown in the top left of this tab. Any attribute they have will be shown when you hover over this.
Adolf Hitler of Germany: You can see he has the
"Political Power Gain * 50%" this provides you with 50% more political power a day than the standard income of 2.0.
1.2 - National FocusDue to this size of this section it will be covered in future guides, below however is a brief summary of its purpose.
Allows you to declare war, boost your factories, research advantages and create non-aggression pacts including alliances with other countries.
Every main country has a different focus tree, for smaller countries however there are different standard trees for you to gain a multitude of advantages.
1.3 - Laws & Government
Here you are able to alter recruitment, trade, army mobilisation and your political adviser's for your country as well as assign how you want your country to be ran, whether this is during peace, war or preparing for war.
The following 3 sections that wont change regardless of what country you play.
1.3.1 - Recruitment Policy Choosing the correct policy and at the right time depends on the following: Available Manpower, Equipment production & troops in training. Modifying this policy during war will cost you. It will also affect you if you have chosen the wrong policy and do not have the political power to change.
- Disarmed Nation: Population available for recruiting = 1%
- Volunteer only: Population available for recruiting = 1.5%
- Limited Conscription: Population available for recruiting = 2.5%
- Extensive Conscription: Population available for recruiting = 5%, Training time = +10%
- Service by Requirement: Population available for recruiting = 10%, Factory output = -10%, Construction time = -10%, Training time = +20%
- All Adults Serve - Population available for recruiting = 20%, Factory output = -30%, Construction time = -30%, Training time = +30%
1.3.2 - Trade Policy Trade is incredibly important, pre-war trade can help boost your economy by your trading partners giving you there spare civilian factories for your goods. The same process is used when purchasing goods.
By selecting a trade policy you can allocate up to 80% of your resources from your
Production that is required to build equipment, tanks & aircraft. Choose carefully, this will effect your ability to fight in wars.
- Closed Economy: The following must be true - At War, ruling party is Fascist or Communist & economy law, war economy or total mobilisation.
- Limited Exports - Resources to market = +25%, Factory output = +5%, Construction speed = +5%, Research time = -1%
- Export Focus - Resources to market = +50%, Factory output = +10%, Construction speed = +10%, Research time = -5%
- Free Trade - Resources to market = +80%, Factory output = +15%, Construction speed = +15%, Research time = -10%
1.3.3 - Army MobilisationThis section allows you to increase your countries capacity for war. Each law will provide benefits to increase your war hungry country with the aim of total domination. Each upgrade listed below allows you to increase or decrease current aspects including consumer goods (this starts higher to help with population grow but as war erupts it hinders your capacity for war and therefore must be reduced. Ignoring this could mean France or Russia beating you).
Choose carefully, the wrong decision will inflict suffering until you are able correct it.
- Civilian Economy - Consumer goods factories = 30%, civilian & military factory construction speed = -30%, civilian & military conversion cost = +30%.
- Early Mobilisation - Consumer goods factories = 25%, civilian & military factory construction speed = -10%, + the following must be true - Current ruling party is Fascist/current ruling party is Communist, at war, more than 5% world tension
- Partial Mobilisation - Consumer goods factories = 20%, military factory construction speed = +10%, + The following must be true - Current ruling party is Fascist/current ruling party is Communist, at war, more than 15% world tension
- War Mobilisation - Consumer goods factories = 15%, military factory construction speed = +20%, civilian & military conversion cost = -20%, + The following must be true - Current ruling party is Fascist/current ruling party is Communist, at war, more than 5% world tension. If neither of the above is true all of the following must be true - At war, any enemy country: has more than 40% of your total number of factories.
- Total Mobilisation - Consumer goods factories = 10%, recruitable population = -3%, military factory construction speed = +30%, civilian & military conversion cost = -30%
1.3.4 - Political Advisor's Depending on the country you select changes how many advisers you can select. Each adviser has their own unique trait. These traits can range from increasing construction speeds, additional political power, to counter espionage operations ran by Heinrich Himmler. You need to choose what will benefit you depending on your current status in game.
1.3.5 - Research & Production
Tank designer
- Tank designer - Armour research time = -10%, reliability = +5%, soft attack = +5%. This is the generalised research for all tanks regardless of whether they are mobile or heavy tanks.
- Mobile tank - Armour research time = -10%, armour max speed = +5%, reliability = +10%. Panzer III, Panzer IV, Panther & E-50 use this. This is great for fast light support tanks to get into the fight so that they are able to help support your infantry faster on the battlefield.
- Heavy Tank - Armour research time = -10%, armour = +5%, hard attack = +5%. Great for getting Tigers, King Tigers & Maus tanks into the fight with extra points, however it will cost you significantly more to build infantry. This is great for breaking though fortified enemy lines.
Ship designer
Depending on how you want to run your navy you should choose an officer that will allow you to accomplish your plans in the most effective manner. This could be raid convoy's, attack enemy ships (small fleets) or design a large fleet that will outnumber and provide you with the most firepower in the fight allowing you to destroy the enemy ships into scrap metal and let them rest at the bottom of the sea.
- Raiding Fleet - Naval research time = -10%,
Carrier - Surface visibility = -10%, max speed = +10%, deck size = -10%.
Capital Ship - Surface visibility = -10%, max speed = +10%, naval firepower = -10%.
Screen - Surface visibility = -10%, max speed = +10%.
Submarine - Sub visibility = -10%, surface visibility = -10%, max speed = +10%. - Atlantic Fleet - Naval research time = -10%,
Carrier Armour = +50%.
Capital Ship - Armour = +10%, naval firepower = +10.
Aircraft Designer
- Light Aircraft - Air research time = -10%
- Fighter - Agility = +10%, max speed = +10%
- Carrier Fighter - Agility = +10%, max speed = +10%
- Carrier Air Support - Air research time = -10%
- Close Air Support - Ground attack = +10%, reliability = +10%.
- Carrier CAS - Ground attack = +10%, reliability = +10%.
- Medium Aircraft - Air research time = -10%
- Heavy Fighter - Reliability = +20%.
- Tactical Bomber - Reliability = +20%.
- Heavy Aircraft - Air research time = -10%
- Strategic bomber - Strategic bombing = +10%
- Naval Aircraft - Air research time = -10%
- Navel Bomber - Range = +10%, naval attack = +10%
- Carrier Bomber - Range = +10%, naval attack = +10%
Material Designer
- Infantry Equipment - Weapons & equipment research time = -10%
- Artillery Designer - Artillery research time = -10%
- Motorised Equipment - Motorisation research time = -10%
Industrial Concern
- Electronics Concern - Electronics research time = -10%
- Refining Concern - Industrial research time = -5%, synthetic resources research time = -10%
- Industrial Concern - Industrial research time = -10%
In this section there are multiple options to choose from, each will provide a select section for advancement in research.
I have listed below those who I feel are the most important for Germany- Wernher Von Braun - a rocket scientist
- Heinz Guderian - a blitzkrieg theorist.
1.3.6 - Military Staff
Chief of Army
- Army Organisation - Division organisation = +8%
- Army Offence Division Attach = +10%
- Army Drill - Division training time = -10%
- Army Manoeuvre - Divisions speed = +10%
Chief of Navy
- Commerce Raiding - Convoy raiding efficiency = +20%
- Decisive Battle - Capital ship attack = +10%, capital ship armour = +10%, screen attack = +10%, screen defence = +10%.
Chief of Airforce
- All weather - Bad weather penalty = -20%
- Air Reformer - Air experience gain = +10%
- Ground Support - Air superiority = +10%
Military High Command (x3)
- Army Regrouping - Division recovery rate = +8%.
- Anti-Submarine - Submarine detection = +10%
- Fleet Logistics - Naval Max Range Factor = +10%
- Airborne Assault - Para-drop attack = +2%, para-drop defence = +5%, para-drop agility = +5%
- Naval Air Defence - Naval AA attack = +15%
- Close Air support - Close air support attack = +3%, close air support defence = +3%, close air support agility = +3%
- Bomber interception - Interception attack = +3%, interception defence = +3%, agility = +3%.
- Armour - Armour division attack = +15%, armour division defence = +15%
- Army Logistics - Division attrition = -8%
- Infantry - Infantry division attack = +10%, infantry division defence = +15%
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