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News 2025

By XOUTH - 11th January 2025 - 16:19 PM

Dear Comrades,

As eventful this past year was, we are looking forward to this New Year with excitement and optimism. We are starting off with a newsletter that will give you all some insight on what to expect from our plans and ambitions.

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New Event Format

In the new year, we will establish a new format for events – as can be seen in the current X-MAS event. Until now, we used to announce an event and then hold it on a weekend day a few weeks later. However, the participants are usually spread all over the globe and for some it was difficult to find a suitable time of day to participate. This is where major changes come in: Events will be held over several weeks, depending on the number of participants, to allow everyone on the globe to take part.

Since this format is new and we are gaining experience, it is possible that rules will be changed in the future. We are open to constructive criticism and would be happy to hear from you. At this point it is important to mention that this new format might not be the only one. We may use the traditional one from time to time.

Different Game Modes

The usual modes (such as standard 1v1, 2v2, 3v3) have – with a few exceptions – been played diligently over the last few years and we think it's time to try something new every now and then.

On the list of modes to try out are: Ban mode, Archon, events with one modification or another and (you probably think we're crazy) a Carville event. We can't completely guarantee that we will run these as it depends on parameters such as number of participants, donations – generally funding – and time available from staff members, but we wanted to let you know that we have been thinking about it.

Redesigning Ladder Wars

What is not new is that we have not been running ladder wars for some time. There are reasons for this: It was very difficult to get participants, even though the decision was made at the time to include the top 50 players plus experts. We believe that this is not a real challenge and that it is time to change this. We are considering adapting the system to ELO – or at least increase the period between ladder resets – and will let you know as soon as something changes in this regard. For the time being, we will not continue with the current ladder wars format.

RA3 BattleNet and Tacitus

C&C:Online's cooperation with RA3 BattleNet (RA3BN)

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In March 2024, the idea of cooperating with RA3 BattleNet came up and was discussed for a short time with RichardChai and LanYi, as part of a preparation for a bigger project. Since then, we have been working semi-actively together to create the best possible multiplayer experience for both communities, which is ultimately identical, so that RA3 BattleNet players and C&C:Online players do not suffer from significant differences in quality between the two services.

Although progress has been slower than desired, mainly due to issues with C&C:Online, we have already benefited greatly from the generosity of our friends at RA3 BattleNet and have been able to adopt their solution to the RA3 Relog bug as well as a variety of crash fixes and game optimizations. Our biggest goal is to adopt the RA3 BattleNet connection technology and provide a unified RA3 experience.

The most promising and probably most consequential development from this collaboration and development efforts to date is Tacitus. A few selected people from the community have already tested Tacitus, but first let's take a look at what Tacitus actually is.

Tacitus is the replacement for the C&C:Online Launcher and puts an end to the old and suboptimal method of hooking the game and praying that it starts and gets additional community fixes. Tacitus combines a plug-and-play solution with frequently needed community fixes in a one-click application. With the ability to automatically update and push changes and content, we can guarantee that there will be no more conflicts with outdated community or fan patches that don't match the map packs, and no more tournaments being cancelled because the wrong map is installed.

By Cervanthes, C&C:Online Developer

Other News

The community patch is being worked on and significant progress has been made – thanks to Mavtor – who has been working on Generals: Evolution on the side. After the patch is released, we will make changes to the fair play system and, as you probably expect, announce them in good time.

The expert promotion process is getting adjustments and we are considering retrospectively awarding the title to a very, very limited selection of worthy players before establishing the new adjustments.

The staff team has changed somewhat: Rage has retired for personal reasons, but will continue to support the section. XOUTH, who was largely responsible for creating image content, is now the main contact person for the section together with CWedvin, who is in charge of organizing events. Chris, Mavtor and LanYi are the contact persons for all technical matters while c9q9md is in charge of the fair play forum. Our newest addition is 677-, who reviews replays and helps us to re-establish gold and silver replay awards.

We are always looking for capable RA3 staff. The positions we would like to fill are: Referees, Writers, Fair Play Specialists, Replay Reviewers and Commentators. To get more information about all the different badges, see Staff Structure. If you are interested and would like to support the community, please send us a message and we will find something suitable for you.

Thank you

This is a team effort. We are all working together, players and staff alike to keep this game some of us grew up with alive and well. Everyone's feedback will be greatly appreciated, so do not hesitate to give us your opinions, suggestions or what you would like to personally see in the future.

To be mentioned by name: CWedvin, Inspector RaGe, Cervanthes, LanYi, Mavtor and of course the entire GameReplays staff team. We are also extremely grateful for the generous donations we've received in the year 2024 – without which no event could have taken place in the usual way: Inspector RaGe (375$), CWedvin (240$), Sybert (75$), Zaid646 (20$), OtherDawn (10$).

In order to continue running events as we know them, we rely on donations. if you are willing to get involved, you are more than welcome. We appreciate any support we can get, and if this is something for you, do not hesitate to send a message to CWedvin .

Thank you again and we look forward on seeing you on the battlefield.

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