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Red Alert 3

Betamix VS Pr4ct1c3 Insane AvA

#1Pr4ct1c3  Sep 15 2008, 11:38 AM -
Replays: 15 Game:
Just a crazy game i had vs Shadowterran. Sorry i couldnt ask you if i could post it. You werent on msn nor did u get into the lobby after.
GG anyways m8
#2D1g1TaL  Sep 15 2008, 17:46 PM -
Replays: 51 Game:

Just goes to show that engi rushes can be countered even on small maps and it did set Shadow back initially. I thought he was going to just get rolled after that failed engi rush but he made a suprizing come back mid game and even had the advantage at one point.

I was a bit disappointed not so see any navy game play both of you were in the water but nobody bothered to make a naval yard.

A tip for shadow, with Tanya just before she dies use her secondary ability, it sends her back in time and you recover health and get out of harms way.

Overall good replay, lots of non stop action and you can't guess whos going to win.


#3MEXICANBROTHER  Sep 15 2008, 21:04 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Shadow didn't get high technology.

Practice, you also don't need to bring your entire tank army back to counter a few harassment units. It'd work better if you attacked with those and defended with whatever you needed, but not bring your entire army back.
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