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Red Alert 3


#1Dimon0000000  Nov 9 2016, 15:30 PM -
Replays: 137 Game:
#2p.m.i  Nov 10 2016, 13:09 PM -
Replays: 10
I like how aggresive and overreactive you play. Example, he attack with 1 sickle you make 300320 hammer tanks
#3{DO}-LiquidOCELOT  Nov 10 2016, 17:00 PM -
nice formation with the infantry and use of protocols there was an instance where u used that combo to destroy 3 artillery tanks with that well played surprisingly no mirage tanks from yuiyui and constant battle on sea ref while he didnt harass yours only once in whole game he send riptide to sea ref also no Cryo geddons from him strange on structures
#4ViperMkVII  Nov 16 2016, 20:49 PM -

Replays: 634 Game:
Did Yui know that he can use actually Athena's shield to insta kill Final Squadron drones? tongue.gif
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