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Red Alert 3

nukestrike vs firgli

#1nukestrike  May 13 2009, 19:13 PM -
Replays: 64 Game:
#2T779298RA1  May 13 2009, 19:18 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
how it should be done, n1 !
#3Wilko  May 13 2009, 19:49 PM -
Replays: 22 Game:
Good Game

But i found it better when faster units could dodge dreadnoughts missles

Same fore shoguns
Back in the last patch u could counter Shoguns with Stingrays but now the new scatter-system banishes that counter again
#4firgli  May 13 2009, 20:10 PM -
Replays: 95 Game:
no use fighting sov on this map.. next patch it will be fine, looking forward to it. gj
#5evotech  May 13 2009, 20:27 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
Yeah this map is absolutely horrible for allies, its the worst by far
#6firgli  May 13 2009, 20:36 PM -
Replays: 95 Game:
nah cabana is worse, though here you can also do anything and still win. only a few good allied maps =/
#7xnavigator  May 13 2009, 20:47 PM -
Replays: 64 Game:
lol at nuke using crane tongue.gif

#8Liang Hu BBB  May 13 2009, 20:48 PM -
Replays: 14
Ye,Cabana and this are the worst ones 4 any Allies player 2 play on VS Soviets. tongue.gif
Anyway watching...
#9Sir_Loui  May 13 2009, 21:06 PM -
Replays: 23 Game:
Well cryocopters certainly woulda helped you firgli. I consider this game a pure BO win, nothing more to it really...
#10.link  May 13 2009, 23:30 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
ejoyed it, ye its not a very good map for allies
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