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Red Alert 3

China m8s vs USA/Denmark m8s

#1Messican  Sep 11 2016, 20:12 PM -
Had a few games I streamed with these guys. I forgot to save them, but the fact that these guys are all over the map and are excellent at surviving and helping one another is wonderful to see. Hopefully, we'll be playing more games in the future. And watch how many engi transports Duck makes. Really crazy.
#2yzzd-pk  Sep 11 2016, 22:38 PM -
where vindy mcv?
where goldy mcv?
i cry hard XD ggwp
#3Messican  Sep 12 2016, 02:19 AM -
where vindy mcv?
where goldy mcv?
i cry hard XD ggwp

Hahaha Duck really best steal they.
#4Liculver  Sep 12 2016, 09:08 AM -
Replays: 1
ONLY duckBB love engineers!o0o0o
We are gentleman
He calls himself "painter"——it means thief you know
#5Messican  Sep 13 2016, 19:18 PM -
ONLY duckBB love engineers!o0o0o
We are gentleman
He calls himself "painter"——it means thief you know

He's very sneaky!
#6Onion86  Sep 18 2016, 21:52 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
pika 好厉害呀
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