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Red Alert 3

Matiz vs Wollf cw match very good

#1Ralphie2449  Nov 2 2008, 18:05 PM -
Replays: 23 Game:
very good game. some good combos with allies
#2Matiz_pl  Nov 2 2008, 18:32 PM -
Replays: 62 Game:
I should have attacked in one moment, i would win eh... I was totally helpless against these cryocopters, I think I should have builit migs but it was too late when I realized it
gg smile.gif
#3tybalt33  Nov 2 2008, 19:52 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Oh man this was entertaining. Several sneaky attacks by Wullf!
Btw.. I have a drink that needs freezing... could you help with that wulff? *Hears a chopper approaching from the fog of war* lol

That spy... what did he do?
#4Ralphie2449  Nov 2 2008, 20:26 PM -
Replays: 23 Game:
oh yeah those cryos have very good hp and can stay alive under fire for some time enough time to freeze a harvie. That spy entered ref and stole 2000
#5jdanzi  Nov 2 2008, 23:21 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Good game, I like the way matiz seems to be in all the good replays wink.gif
#6AgmLauncher  Nov 2 2008, 23:29 PM -

Wubbed for the harvester sniping with the cryocopter and vindicator biggrin.gif
#7Vitensby  Nov 3 2008, 05:26 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Good game. Just curious why Matiz clumped up his entire force together the whole game. It was like watching a train/zerg moving towards a target over and over again. Wouldn't keeping a small force in your base to deal with the harassment better then sitting them all in the middle of the map doing nothing?
#8emocore  Nov 3 2008, 08:39 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Nice game..
Imba cyrocopter @_@
#9TDA  Nov 3 2008, 11:32 AM -
Wubbed for the harvester sniping with the cryocopter and vindicator biggrin.gif

Wasn't this a timebomb? I thought i saw it just before you moved to the node in the videocast.
GG guys smile.gif.
#10thegravian  Nov 5 2008, 01:43 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Great combos with the cryocopter! That gives me some new ideas. It takes a lot of creativity to play Allies well...
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