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Red Alert 3

Good 1v1 agianst Dimon

#1Dutcharmy  Nov 22 2020, 10:36 AM -
#2Constable Chris  Nov 22 2020, 13:32 PM -


I will be brutally honest here. I don't think this match was entertaining at all. Seeing dimon expand to his water ref after building literally 3 power plants instead of moving his MCV was very painful.

Not to mention the fact the he went 4 refs literally on jus 1 barracks without any tier 2 or war factory, while purely relying on infantry. This did not benefit him at all in the long run.

As for the allied player, there was nothing unusual about the way he played or anything remotely entertaining. Just the usual stuff we see on snow plow.

The game was overall lacking in action except the final 2 minutes when Dutch pushed the middle, but even then the outcome was already determined. Thanks for the upload though.
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