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Patch 2.02 v9.4.0 + v9.4.1 Patch Notes
================================================================== 2.02 Version 9.4.1 Patch Notes January 31, 2025 ==================================================================
General Balance Changes:
- Half-troll Marauder and Hill Troll cavalry crush revenge now applies to Battlewagons as well.
- Lair Barrow Wight build cost reduced to 200 (from 250). - Lair Cave Troll death rampage damage reduced to 15 CRUSH (from 100 CRUSH).
- Gondor Archer: --- build cost reduced to 250 (from 300); --- base pierce damage reduced to 40 (from 45); --- upgraded pierce damage increased to reduced to 45 (from 50); --- melee damage reduced to 40 (from 45).
- Gorkil the Goblin King health increased to 3200 (from 3000). - Fire Drake and Fire Drake Brood damage bonus scalar vs Battle Wagons increased to 200% (from 150%).
- Thrall Master (unsummoned) now resistant to basic knockback effects and cavalry tramples. - Added Howl ability for Dire Wolves (replica of Warg Howl). - Witch-king build cost reduced to 4500 (from 5000).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where loading saved games (Campaign, Skirmish, and WotR) would potentially crash the game. - Fixed an issue where sources of healing from structures (Wells & Fortress healing upgrades) would occasionally not respawn units. - Fixed an issue where Battlewagons with the Hearth upgrade would occasionally not respawn units. - Fixed an issue where the Battlewagon Hearth auto self heal would prevent the Battlewagon from healing from other faster healing sources such as Forges and Fortress healing upgrades.
- Added missing Starlight tooltip stats. - Corrected Wildmen Torches upgrade pre-requisite tooltip to display "Research at Clan Steading..." instead of "Research at Armory...". - Builder Clan Steading building icon tooltip updated. - Various tooltip improvements and optimisations.
================================================================== 2.02 Version 9.4.0 Patch Notes January 19, 2025 ==================================================================
General Changes:
- Summoned Dragon: --- now deals substantially more damage to enemy Summoned Dragons; --- now deals substantially more damage to Wyrms; --- now deals substantially less damage to Balrogs and Shade of Wolf. - Wyrm: --- friendly fire damage removed. --- now deals substantially more damage to enemy Wyrms; --- now deals substantially more damage to Summoned Dragons; --- now deals substantially less damage vs Shade of the Wolf. - Lurtz will no longer target structures with his bow enabled (this is an experimental change and will be implemented to all other dual-wield heroes, subject to overall positive outcome).
General Balance Changes:
- Resource Buildings (excluding Lumber Mills): --- now suffer a 20% income penalty when below 66% health and a 40% income penalty when below 33% health; --- repair worker spawns after 40s of the structure being damaged (was 1 minute); --- any active repairs will be interrupted for 20s when the structure receives damage; - Building additional Fortresses adds +1000 resources to the build cost (I.e., second Fortress costs 6000, third Fortress costs 7000, etc). - Barrage: --- fear element removed; --- rock spawn split more clearly into waves of rocks. - Hero Armor SIEGE armour halved. - Tough Hero Armor SIEGE armor reduced by a factor of 3. - Flyers no longer one-shot Thrall Masters. - Charge damage of Guardians, Black Numenoreans, and Half-troll Swordsmen decreased to 40 (from 60). - Tower (all factions except Mordor): --- build cost increased by 100 after the second tower is built; --- build cost increase capped at 1000. - Horde Bonus requirement reverted to 100 units (from 75). - Industry and Dwarven Riches duration reduced to 120s (from 150s). - Introduced several scalars and armor changes to make certain Monster and Siege interactions more reasonable. - Fire Drake CAVALRY armour increased to 50% (from 70%). - Builder overall siege armour reduced (previously, they were too resistant to catapult projectiles). - Morgul Blade abilities no longer deal unintended severe damage to Shelob and Rogash. - Wyrm: --- now deals 3x more damage against Lone Towers and Barricade summons. --- siege armour reduced to 350% (from 25%). This is to allow siege damage from strong summons and units to deal some measure of damage to Wyrm.
Audio & Graphics Changes:
- Improvement made to in-game music track playlist - a wider variety of tracks will now play across the board. - Camera zoom sound FX level now accurately matches standard map zoom (currently set at 540). - Army of the Dead summon sound FX: --- can now stack (before, using these spells in quick succession would effectively disallow sound from playing from subsequent summons); --- summon sound can now be heard more distinctly.
- Easy and Normal difficulty reduced to make it easier for newer players to learn the game (Hard and Brutal remain unchanged).
- Troll, Wight, and Drake lairs now heal their respective creep units. - Spiderling, Goblin and Warg lairs now respawn their respective creep units.
- Isengard Black Orcs build time increased to 45s (from 35s).
- Gondor Soldier Shieldwall Formation damage penalty re-introduced. - Towerguards: --- Health reduced to 400 from 420; --- Upgraded SLASH armour reduced to 90% (from 80%). - Marketplace: --- build cost increased to 800 (from 600); --- build limit reduced to 1. --- Grand Harvest: ----- changed to a free, active ability that no longer requires researching; ----- Farm economic bonus increased to +15% (from +12%); ----- ability duration set at 2 minutes with a cooldown of 3 minutes. - Gandalf Lightning Sword, Istari Light, and Word of Power damage halved against Balrog, Shade of the Wolf, and Summoned Dragon. - Army of the Dead (Spell Book only): --- duration reduced to 25s (from 30s); - Eowyn Smite now knocks back killed targets. - Eomer Spear Throw now knocks back killed targets. - Faramir Wounding Arrow now knocks back killed targets. - Aragorn: --- Oathbreaker horde size increased to 24 (from 20); --- horde density compressed so there is less space between each Oathbreaker unit (to better match regular Oathbreaker horde).
- Eagle damage vs Ents and Treebeard halved. - Lorien Archer Silverthorn Arrow upgrade damage changed to +10 PIERCE and +15 MAGIC (from +14 PIERCE and +20 MAGIC). - Ents: --- Rock Throw damage vs Catapults increased by 150%; --- Rock Throw damage doubled against Trolls; --- POISON armour increased to 5% from 30%. - Haldir: --- Golden Arrow: ----- now knocks back killed targets. ----- MAGIC damage reduced to 1000 from (from 1275); --- movement speed reduced to 60 (from 65). - Legolas movement speed reduced to 60 (from 65). - Thranduil movement speed reduced to 60 (from 65). - Legolas: --- Hawk Strike now knocks back killed targets; --- Arrow Wind killed target knockback filter now includes Cavalry. - Elrond's Farsight auto ability behaviour will now target allied archers as opposed to random areas of the map.
- Guardians: --- build time increased to 28s (from 25s); --- PIERCE armour reverted to 60% (from 65%). - Battlewagon: --- Axe Throwers: ----- now deal 50% less damage against Pikemen units and Thrall Masters; ----- now deal 25% less damage vs Flyers; --- Mithril Mail armour bonus reduced by +33% for all armor types; --- Hearth: ----- upgrade cost reduced to 200 (from 300); ----- no longer heals units that are fighting; ----- upgrade heal rate increased to 20 (from 15). --- SIEGE armour reduced to 500% (from 100%) but siege damage scalars against BWs reduced. - Gimli: --- Axe Throw now knocks back killed targets. --- Slayer movement speed bonus reduced to +50% (from +75%).
- Clan Steading Torches auto upgrade now moved to level 2 (from level 1). - Warg Rider: --- Crush damage increased to 100 (from 85); --- PIERCE armour increased to 35% (from 40%); --- Howl ability now offers +15% damage and armour (was only +25 damage). - Warg Pack Howl ability now offers +15% damage and armour (was only +25 damage). - Uruk Deathbringer build cost increased to 1200 (from 1000). - Towers and Warg Sentries no longer benefit from the Excvations upgrade discount. - Saruman's Fireball damage doubled against Mumakil. - Lurtz now has Tough Hero Armor in melee mode and Hero Armor in ranged mode.
- Fellbeast damage vs Ents and Treebeard halved. - Slaughterhouses now gain significantly more experience from decommissioned Orcs, Orc Archers, and Black Orcs. - Orc Archer Fire Arrows upgrade damage changed to +10 FLAME and +5 PIERCE (from +10 FLAME). - Corsair: --- Firebombs: --- reverted - now a toggle weapon rather than a single use ability; --- base FLAME damage increased to 10 (from 9); --- tuned ground fire damage and spread potential accordingly; --- melee attack speed reverted to 1.5s (from 1.3s) --- Pillage ability removed; ---SLASH armour reverted to 90% (from 95%); -- PIERCE armor reverted to 70% (from 85%). - Haradrim Lancer health increased to 400 (from 350). - Mountain Troll: --- PIERCE armour increased to 40% (from 45%); --- Rock Throw damage vs Ents reduced by 25%; --- tree melee attack full damage radius increased to 50 (from 30); --- tree melee attack now deals more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls. - Attack Troll attack now deals more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls. - Mumakil: --- SPECIALIST armour reduced to 55% (from 50%); --- regular melee attack damage against Heroes increased by 50%; --- regular melee attack damage against Pikemen reduced by 50%; --- now deal double damage against enemy Mumakil. - Mouth of Sauron: --- Evil Eye: ----- damage against the Balrog reduced by 33%; ----- damage vs Shade of the Wolf and Summoned Dragon increased by 50%. - Tower: --- build cost increased by 80 resources after the second tower is built; --- build cost increase capped at 800. - Drummer Troll: --- now deals substantially more damage to Drakes (previously dealt next to no damage); --- now deals substantially more damage to Battle Wagons; --- now deals substantially more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls.
- Half Troll Marauder: --- now deal crush revenge damage like regular pikemen; --- any incoming/nearby cavalry will be dealt crush revenge damage as though they are trampling regular pikemen; --- still cannot be trampled, but will cause cavalry to slow down. - Spider Rider: --- geometry radius reduced to 12 from 16 (this results in radius based weapons/abilities being less effective). --- bow: ----- added bonus damage vs Mumakil (200% scalar); ----- increased bonus damage vs Battlewagons: 450% scalar (was 350%). - Goblin Warrior: --- Command Point requirement reduced to 30 (from 40); --- un-upgraded damage increased to 13 (from 12); --- upgraded damage increased to 26 (from 24). - Goblin Archer: --- Poison Arrow range reduced to 375 (from 425); --- Fire Arrow upgrade damage changed to +10 PIERCE damage and +10 FLAME damage (from +25 flame damage). - Spiderling Venom Sacs upgrade no longer increases damage against structures. -Cavetroll: --- Goblin/Orc throw friendly fire remoed; --- build time reduced to 40s (from 45s); --- PIERCE armor increased to 40% (from 45%); --- Rock Throw damage vs Ents reduced by 25%; --- Tree melee attack full damage radius increased to 50 (from 30); --- tree melee attack now deals more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls. - Mountain Giant damage agains Fortress reduced by 20%. - Shelob: --- Tunnel damage reduced to 50 (from 100); --- introduced a new armour set that works while moving to emulate the hero arrow dodge mechanic; --- STRUCTURAL armour while stationary reduced to 30% (from 17%); --- STRUCTURAL armour while moving set to 15%; --- PIERCE armour while moving set to 13%. - Drogoth: --- Fireball damage against Ents increased by 150%; --- regular swoop attack damage vs Treebeard reduced by 25%.
- Snow Troll upgraded SPECIALIST armour reduced to 120% (from 90%). - Wolf Rider health increased to 300 (from 250). - Frozen Land speed penalty reduced to -25% (from -33%). - Avalanche snowfield speed penalty reduced to -25% (from -33%). - Sorcerer: --- Black Ice: ----- speed penalty reduced to -25% (from -33%); ----- speed penalty no longer follows units off the target area. - NOT DONE - Blight main damage nugget increased to 5 (from 3). - Shade of the Wolf: --- melee attack now deals substantially more damage to enemy Shade of Wolves; --- melee attack now deals substantially more damage to enemy Wyrms. - Hill Troll: --- now deal crush revenge damage like regular pikemen; --- any incoming/nearby cavalry will be dealt crush revenge damage as though they are trampling regular pikemen; --- still cannot be trampled, but will cause cavalry to slow down.
Bug Fixes:
- Lurtz no longer auto aquires distant enemies in melee mode. - Additional measures put in place to prevent units from becoming invincible when dying with aflame animation. - Revert mouse settings change which has caused some players issues with dragging and controlling units. - Mordor Fortress Gorgoroth Spire auto cast will no longer target Creep ruins. - Fixed an issue where Lair Spiderling Venom Sacs could not be purchased. - Fixed an issue where purchasing Fire Arrows upgrade for Galadhrim Warriors would not activate the Fire Arrows weapon and visuals. - Fire Drake Broods will no longer freeze when targeting their Inferno ability. - Boromir's Horn of Gondor Debuff will no longer cancel (replace) certain other bonus FXs such as Howl, Cripple, Morgul Blade, etc.
- New Maps: --- Archet: 1v1 map by AnDyBranDy`. --- Bucklebury Ferry: 1v1 map by Ninkazy and AnDyBranDy`. --- Near Khand: 2v2 map by AnDyBranDy`. --- River Celon: 1v1 map by Ahwehawe. --- River Harnen: 1v1 map by AnDyBranDy`. --- The Lone-lands: 1v1 map by AnDyBranDy`.
Map Edits:
- North Harondor: river now passable in the middle. - Near Harad: --- slight edits to mountains; --- floating rocks fixed; --- mini map updated. - Fixed issue where Random Teams game mode did not work properly on Gladden Fields. - Removed unintended Inn on north-east portion of Icebay of Forochel. - Removed giant Mirkwood Archer neutral unit on Stonewain Valley map. - Fixed Random Teams mode bug on Brandy Hills. - South Road map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Carnen Mire map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Upper Anorien map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Fords of Rohan map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Firien Dale map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Anfalas (3v3 map) scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Mouths of the Entwash map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Ithilien Hills map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Udun (2v2) map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x). - Hobbiton Hills AI Farm templates revamped. - Removed chest object near Drake Lair on Emerald Islet map and replaced with a bag object. This is to prevent the AI from attempting to claim the chest but not being able to do so.
- Nazgul and Black Rider Screech debuff tooltip now states it debuffs units for -20% armour and damage (was erronously -25% armour and damage). - Corrected Thrall Master hover tooltip: ranged attack speed was listed as opposed to melee attack speed. - Purchase Spell Book Barrage tooltips corrected (there was previously no detailed tooltips). - Fixed an inaccuracy where Cave Troll hover tooltip indicated that their crush weapon dealt CAVALRY damage (now properly displays CRUSH damage). - Karsh's Chill Soul ability now correctly indicates it debuffs speed for -25% (was erroneously -33%). - Added missing detailed tooltips for Isengard's Fortress construct button. - Golden Arrow damage tooltip now indicates it deals MAGIC damage as opposed to SPECIALIST. - Battlewagons now show expansion unit stats. - Mordor Slaughterhouse hover tooltip now displays the full, correct range of stats. - Temple of Twilight hover tooltip now displays the full, correct range of stats. - Added missing stealth detection radius tooltip for Well, Mirror of Galadriel, Hearth, and Battle Wagon Hearth. - Added missing stealth detection radius tooltip for Men Lone Tower, Dwarven Lone Tower, and Mordor Barricade Summon. - Fixed several faction Fortress Expansion Plot display titles and added missing tooltips. - Added missing replace Fortress Expansion Catapult/Giant button build time tooltips. - Added missing detailed tooltips for Giant Eagle Wing Blast ability. - Numerous other minor tooltip tweaks and improvements.