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Patch 2.02 v9.4.0 + v9.4.1 Hotfix Released

By Excelsior - 19th January 2025 - 16:26 PM

Hello Everyone!

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We're pleased to announce that the RotWK Patch 2.02 v9.4 iteration is available for download!

The latest v9.4.1. hotfix is now out!

You may update the patch here

As always, let us know your thoughts in the forums or via our Discord server. As always, your feedback, suggestions, and bug/issue reports are invaluable in helping us improve Patch 2.02.

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Patch 2.02 v9.4.0 + v9.4.1 Patch Notes

2.02 Version 9.4.1 Patch Notes
January 31, 2025

General Balance Changes:

- Half-troll Marauder and Hill Troll cavalry crush revenge now applies to Battlewagons as well.


- Lair Barrow Wight build cost reduced to 200 (from 250).
- Lair Cave Troll death rampage damage reduced to 15 CRUSH (from 100 CRUSH).


- Gondor Archer:
--- build cost reduced to 250 (from 300);
--- base pierce damage reduced to 40 (from 45);
--- upgraded pierce damage increased to reduced to 45 (from 50);
--- melee damage reduced to 40 (from 45).


- Battle Wagon:
--- Reduced Hearth heal delay.
--- Hearth and Axe Thrower Palantir slot positions swapped.
- Undermine summon damage reduced to 125 (from 230).


- Wildmen build time reduced to 22s (from 25s).


- Gorkil the Goblin King health increased to 3200 (from 3000).
- Fire Drake and Fire Drake Brood damage bonus scalar vs Battle Wagons increased to 200% (from 150%).


- Thrall Master (unsummoned) now resistant to basic knockback effects and cavalry tramples.
- Added Howl ability for Dire Wolves (replica of Warg Howl).
- Witch-king build cost reduced to 4500 (from 5000).

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed an issue where loading saved games (Campaign, Skirmish, and WotR) would potentially crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where sources of healing from structures (Wells & Fortress healing upgrades) would occasionally not respawn units.
- Fixed an issue where Battlewagons with the Hearth upgrade would occasionally not respawn units.
- Fixed an issue where the Battlewagon Hearth auto self heal would prevent the Battlewagon from healing from other faster healing sources such as Forges and Fortress healing upgrades.


- Added missing Starlight tooltip stats.
- Corrected Wildmen Torches upgrade pre-requisite tooltip to display "Research at Clan Steading..." instead of "Research at Armory...".
- Builder Clan Steading building icon tooltip updated.
- Various tooltip improvements and optimisations.

2.02 Version 9.4.0 Patch Notes
January 19, 2025

General Changes:

- Summoned Dragon:
--- now deals substantially more damage to enemy Summoned Dragons;
--- now deals substantially more damage to Wyrms;
--- now deals substantially less damage to Balrogs and Shade of Wolf.
- Wyrm:
--- friendly fire damage removed.
--- now deals substantially more damage to enemy Wyrms;
--- now deals substantially more damage to Summoned Dragons;
--- now deals substantially less damage vs Shade of the Wolf.
- Lurtz will no longer target structures with his bow enabled (this is an experimental change and will be implemented to all other dual-wield heroes, subject to overall positive outcome).

General Balance Changes:

- Resource Buildings (excluding Lumber Mills):
--- now suffer a 20% income penalty when below 66% health and a 40% income penalty when below 33% health;
--- repair worker spawns after 40s of the structure being damaged (was 1 minute);
--- any active repairs will be interrupted for 20s when the structure receives damage;
- Building additional Fortresses adds +1000 resources to the build cost (I.e., second Fortress costs 6000, third Fortress costs 7000, etc).
- Barrage:
--- fear element removed;
--- rock spawn split more clearly into waves of rocks.
- Hero Armor SIEGE armour halved.
- Tough Hero Armor SIEGE armor reduced by a factor of 3.
- Flyers no longer one-shot Thrall Masters.
- Charge damage of Guardians, Black Numenoreans, and Half-troll Swordsmen decreased to 40 (from 60).
- Tower (all factions except Mordor):
--- build cost increased by 100 after the second tower is built;
--- build cost increase capped at 1000.
- Horde Bonus requirement reverted to 100 units (from 75).
- Industry and Dwarven Riches duration reduced to 120s (from 150s).
- Introduced several scalars and armor changes to make certain Monster and Siege interactions more reasonable.
- Fire Drake CAVALRY armour increased to 50% (from 70%).
- Builder overall siege armour reduced (previously, they were too resistant to catapult projectiles).
- Morgul Blade abilities no longer deal unintended severe damage to Shelob and Rogash.
- Wyrm:
--- now deals 3x more damage against Lone Towers and Barricade summons.
--- siege armour reduced to 350% (from 25%). This is to allow siege damage from strong summons and units to deal some measure of damage to Wyrm.

Audio & Graphics Changes:

- Improvement made to in-game music track playlist - a wider variety of tracks will now play across the board.
- Camera zoom sound FX level now accurately matches standard map zoom (currently set at 540).
- Army of the Dead summon sound FX:
--- can now stack (before, using these spells in quick succession would effectively disallow sound from playing from subsequent summons);
--- summon sound can now be heard more distinctly.


- Easy and Normal difficulty reduced to make it easier for newer players to learn the game (Hard and Brutal remain unchanged).


- Troll, Wight, and Drake lairs now heal their respective creep units.
- Spiderling, Goblin and Warg lairs now respawn their respective creep units.


- Isengard Black Orcs build time increased to 45s (from 35s).


- Gondor Soldier Shieldwall Formation damage penalty re-introduced.
- Towerguards:
--- Health reduced to 400 from 420;
--- Upgraded SLASH armour reduced to 90% (from 80%).
- Marketplace:
--- build cost increased to 800 (from 600);
--- build limit reduced to 1.
--- Grand Harvest:
----- changed to a free, active ability that no longer requires researching;
----- Farm economic bonus increased to +15% (from +12%);
----- ability duration set at 2 minutes with a cooldown of 3 minutes.
- Gandalf Lightning Sword, Istari Light, and Word of Power damage halved against Balrog, Shade of the Wolf, and Summoned Dragon.
- Army of the Dead (Spell Book only):
--- duration reduced to 25s (from 30s);
- Eowyn Smite now knocks back killed targets.
- Eomer Spear Throw now knocks back killed targets.
- Faramir Wounding Arrow now knocks back killed targets.
- Aragorn:
--- Oathbreaker horde size increased to 24 (from 20);
--- horde density compressed so there is less space between each Oathbreaker unit (to better match regular Oathbreaker horde).


- Eagle damage vs Ents and Treebeard halved.
- Lorien Archer Silverthorn Arrow upgrade damage changed to +10 PIERCE and +15 MAGIC (from +14 PIERCE and +20 MAGIC).
- Ents:
--- Rock Throw damage vs Catapults increased by 150%;
--- Rock Throw damage doubled against Trolls;
--- POISON armour increased to 5% from 30%.
- Haldir:
--- Golden Arrow:
----- now knocks back killed targets.
----- MAGIC damage reduced to 1000 from (from 1275);
--- movement speed reduced to 60 (from 65).
- Legolas movement speed reduced to 60 (from 65).
- Thranduil movement speed reduced to 60 (from 65).
- Legolas:
--- Hawk Strike now knocks back killed targets;
--- Arrow Wind killed target knockback filter now includes Cavalry.
- Elrond's Farsight auto ability behaviour will now target allied archers as opposed to random areas of the map.


- Guardians:
--- build time increased to 28s (from 25s);
--- PIERCE armour reverted to 60% (from 65%).
- Battlewagon:
--- Axe Throwers:
----- now deal 50% less damage against Pikemen units and Thrall Masters;
----- now deal 25% less damage vs Flyers;
--- Mithril Mail armour bonus reduced by +33% for all armor types;
--- Hearth:
----- upgrade cost reduced to 200 (from 300);
----- no longer heals units that are fighting;
----- upgrade heal rate increased to 20 (from 15).
--- SIEGE armour reduced to 500% (from 100%) but siege damage scalars against BWs reduced.
- Gimli:
--- Axe Throw now knocks back killed targets.
--- Slayer movement speed bonus reduced to +50% (from +75%).


- Clan Steading Torches auto upgrade now moved to level 2 (from level 1).
- Warg Rider:
--- Crush damage increased to 100 (from 85);
--- PIERCE armour increased to 35% (from 40%);
--- Howl ability now offers +15% damage and armour (was only +25 damage).
- Warg Pack Howl ability now offers +15% damage and armour (was only +25 damage).
- Uruk Deathbringer build cost increased to 1200 (from 1000).
- Towers and Warg Sentries no longer benefit from the Excvations upgrade discount.
- Saruman's Fireball damage doubled against Mumakil.
- Lurtz now has Tough Hero Armor in melee mode and Hero Armor in ranged mode.


- Fellbeast damage vs Ents and Treebeard halved.
- Slaughterhouses now gain significantly more experience from decommissioned Orcs, Orc Archers, and Black Orcs.
- Orc Archer Fire Arrows upgrade damage changed to +10 FLAME and +5 PIERCE (from +10 FLAME).
- Corsair:
--- Firebombs:
--- reverted - now a toggle weapon rather than a single use ability;
--- base FLAME damage increased to 10 (from 9);
--- tuned ground fire damage and spread potential accordingly;
--- melee attack speed reverted to 1.5s (from 1.3s)
--- Pillage ability removed;
---SLASH armour reverted to 90% (from 95%);
-- PIERCE armor reverted to 70% (from 85%).
- Haradrim Lancer health increased to 400 (from 350).
- Mountain Troll:
--- PIERCE armour increased to 40% (from 45%);
--- Rock Throw damage vs Ents reduced by 25%;
--- tree melee attack full damage radius increased to 50 (from 30);
--- tree melee attack now deals more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls.
- Attack Troll attack now deals more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls.
- Mumakil:
--- SPECIALIST armour reduced to 55% (from 50%);
--- regular melee attack damage against Heroes increased by 50%;
--- regular melee attack damage against Pikemen reduced by 50%;
--- now deal double damage against enemy Mumakil.
- Mouth of Sauron:
--- Evil Eye:
----- damage against the Balrog reduced by 33%;
----- damage vs Shade of the Wolf and Summoned Dragon increased by 50%.
- Tower:
--- build cost increased by 80 resources after the second tower is built;
--- build cost increase capped at 800.
- Drummer Troll:
--- now deals substantially more damage to Drakes (previously dealt next to no damage);
--- now deals substantially more damage to Battle Wagons;
--- now deals substantially more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls.


- Half Troll Marauder:
--- now deal crush revenge damage like regular pikemen;
--- any incoming/nearby cavalry will be dealt crush revenge damage as though they are trampling regular pikemen;
--- still cannot be trampled, but will cause cavalry to slow down.
- Spider Rider:
--- geometry radius reduced to 12 from 16 (this results in radius based weapons/abilities being less effective).
--- bow:
----- added bonus damage vs Mumakil (200% scalar);
----- increased bonus damage vs Battlewagons: 450% scalar (was 350%).
- Goblin Warrior:
--- Command Point requirement reduced to 30 (from 40);
--- un-upgraded damage increased to 13 (from 12);
--- upgraded damage increased to 26 (from 24).
- Goblin Archer:
--- Poison Arrow range reduced to 375 (from 425);
--- Fire Arrow upgrade damage changed to +10 PIERCE damage and +10 FLAME damage (from +25 flame damage).
- Spiderling Venom Sacs upgrade no longer increases damage against structures.
--- Goblin/Orc throw friendly fire remoed;
--- build time reduced to 40s (from 45s);
--- PIERCE armor increased to 40% (from 45%);
--- Rock Throw damage vs Ents reduced by 25%;
--- Tree melee attack full damage radius increased to 50 (from 30);
--- tree melee attack now deals more damage against big Monsters and other Trolls.
- Mountain Giant damage agains Fortress reduced by 20%.
- Shelob:
--- Tunnel damage reduced to 50 (from 100);
--- introduced a new armour set that works while moving to emulate the hero arrow dodge mechanic;
--- STRUCTURAL armour while stationary reduced to 30% (from 17%);
--- STRUCTURAL armour while moving set to 15%;
--- PIERCE armour while moving set to 13%.
- Drogoth:
--- Fireball damage against Ents increased by 150%;
--- regular swoop attack damage vs Treebeard reduced by 25%.


- Snow Troll upgraded SPECIALIST armour reduced to 120% (from 90%).
- Wolf Rider health increased to 300 (from 250).
- Frozen Land speed penalty reduced to -25% (from -33%).
- Avalanche snowfield speed penalty reduced to -25% (from -33%).
- Sorcerer:
--- Black Ice:
----- speed penalty reduced to -25% (from -33%);
----- speed penalty no longer follows units off the target area. - NOT DONE
- Blight main damage nugget increased to 5 (from 3).
- Shade of the Wolf:
--- melee attack now deals substantially more damage to enemy Shade of Wolves;
--- melee attack now deals substantially more damage to enemy Wyrms.
- Hill Troll:
--- now deal crush revenge damage like regular pikemen;
--- any incoming/nearby cavalry will be dealt crush revenge damage as though they are trampling regular pikemen;
--- still cannot be trampled, but will cause cavalry to slow down.

Bug Fixes:

- Lurtz no longer auto aquires distant enemies in melee mode.
- Additional measures put in place to prevent units from becoming invincible when dying with aflame animation.
- Revert mouse settings change which has caused some players issues with dragging and controlling units.
- Mordor Fortress Gorgoroth Spire auto cast will no longer target Creep ruins.
- Fixed an issue where Lair Spiderling Venom Sacs could not be purchased.
- Fixed an issue where purchasing Fire Arrows upgrade for Galadhrim Warriors would not activate the Fire Arrows weapon and visuals.
- Fire Drake Broods will no longer freeze when targeting their Inferno ability.
- Boromir's Horn of Gondor Debuff will no longer cancel (replace) certain other bonus FXs such as Howl, Cripple, Morgul Blade, etc.


- New Maps:
--- Archet: 1v1 map by AnDyBranDy`.
--- Bucklebury Ferry: 1v1 map by Ninkazy and AnDyBranDy`.
--- Near Khand: 2v2 map by AnDyBranDy`.
--- River Celon: 1v1 map by Ahwehawe.
--- River Harnen: 1v1 map by AnDyBranDy`.
--- The Lone-lands: 1v1 map by AnDyBranDy`.

Map Edits:

- North Harondor: river now passable in the middle.
- Near Harad:
--- slight edits to mountains;
--- floating rocks fixed;
--- mini map updated.
- Fixed issue where Random Teams game mode did not work properly on Gladden Fields.
- Removed unintended Inn on north-east portion of Icebay of Forochel.
- Removed giant Mirkwood Archer neutral unit on Stonewain Valley map.
- Fixed Random Teams mode bug on Brandy Hills.
- South Road map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Carnen Mire map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Upper Anorien map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Fords of Rohan map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Firien Dale map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Anfalas (3v3 map) scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Mouths of the Entwash map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Ithilien Hills map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Udun (2v2) map scroll speed is now properly set at 1.8x (was 1.3x).
- Hobbiton Hills AI Farm templates revamped.
- Removed chest object near Drake Lair on Emerald Islet map and replaced with a bag object. This is to prevent the AI from attempting to claim the chest but not being able to do so.


- Nazgul and Black Rider Screech debuff tooltip now states it debuffs units for -20% armour and damage (was erronously -25% armour and damage).
- Corrected Thrall Master hover tooltip: ranged attack speed was listed as opposed to melee attack speed.
- Purchase Spell Book Barrage tooltips corrected (there was previously no detailed tooltips).
- Fixed an inaccuracy where Cave Troll hover tooltip indicated that their crush weapon dealt CAVALRY damage (now properly displays CRUSH damage).
- Karsh's Chill Soul ability now correctly indicates it debuffs speed for -25% (was erroneously -33%).
- Added missing detailed tooltips for Isengard's Fortress construct button.
- Golden Arrow damage tooltip now indicates it deals MAGIC damage as opposed to SPECIALIST.
- Battlewagons now show expansion unit stats.
- Mordor Slaughterhouse hover tooltip now displays the full, correct range of stats.
- Temple of Twilight hover tooltip now displays the full, correct range of stats.
- Added missing stealth detection radius tooltip for Well, Mirror of Galadriel, Hearth, and Battle Wagon Hearth.
- Added missing stealth detection radius tooltip for Men Lone Tower, Dwarven Lone Tower, and Mordor Barricade Summon.
- Fixed several faction Fortress Expansion Plot display titles and added missing tooltips.
- Added missing replace Fortress Expansion Catapult/Giant button build time tooltips.
- Added missing detailed tooltips for Giant Eagle Wing Blast ability.
- Numerous other minor tooltip tweaks and improvements.