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Dwarves Strategy Archive

By Forlong - 27th January 2009 - 21:44 PM

Dwarves 2.01 to 2.02 Transition Guide
Dwarves, alongside Angmar, are probably the most changed faction in 2.02. 2.01 Dwarves are widely considered to be overpowered, and anybody who picks Dwarves to be a "lamer." That shouldn't be the case, and 2.02 solves this problem - but, oddly, without making many changes at all. Nerfing Phalanxes
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Dwarven Hero Guide
The mighty Dwarven race is considered the tank faction of Middle-earth. Dwarven units can absorb massive amounts of damage and in turn forcefully deal it back on their opponents. The heroes are the added strength to this bearded nightmare. Understanding when to get them and how to effectively use them as
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Might of Battlewagons
Welcome to my guide about how to use Battlewagons effectively. We are not going to give details about Battlewagons themselves, but about the Men of Dale and the Axe Thrower upgrades. Both are underused purchases, but they can be extremely effective. First, let's take a look at the Men of Dale upgrade.
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Healing - Which is Better?
This Tip is a continuation of angelsfan's Healing - Which is Better which was published on the 2.01 portal. It's expected that you read that guide before this Tip. This Tip will deal only with the differences between the healing structures from 2.01 to 2.02. First of all, our stat charts. Values that have changed from 2.01 are
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Charge and Clump!
Sometimes players are so busy fighting the enemy that they forget to clump their units to destroy buildings faster or kill heroes who don't have splash damage faster. But now I'm going to teach you a trick, how to clump using the Charge ability of a unit. In Rise of the Witch-King we have four units who have this Charge
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Combining Undermine with Cloud Break
Highly underestimated powers in the new patch, no doubt due to their previous uselessness, Undermine and Cloud Break are now both useful on their own, though not extraordinary. Undermine can be summoned under an army just like the Watcher (though for significantly less damage) before being used to evacuate
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What Has Twelve Legs and a Huge Trunk?
No, it's not some kind of super Mumak, it's a Battering Ram. In this Tip of the Week I will explain a few good ways to use the Isengard and Mordor Rams and also the Dwarven version, the Demolisher. Isengard and Mordor are the only factions to have the basic Ram, which you can get from their own Siege Works without
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Their Structures Are Brittle!
Welcome to another Tip of the Week. This time we'll be discussing Siege Hammers and how useful they actually are. In 2.01, Siege Hammers were utterly useless, really completely, because they would add zero damage and only deduct damage against units to an all-time low of 10 from 80. Now, however, they have
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A Fiery Shower
Welcome to yet another Tip of the Week. This time we'll have a look at Boiling Oil, Oil Casks, and Magma Cauldrons, and how extremely useful they can be when you need a strong defence. Three factions have this powerful fortress upgrade: Dwarves, Men of the West, and Mordor. These powers can be lifesavers and
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