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ROTWK - 2.02 7.00 - 1v1 September Tournament - Single Faction - With Prize

By Mako - 15th August 2017 - 20:07 PM

Format: 1v1 Single Elimination
Patch: 2.02 7.0.0 (unless v7 isn't out yet, then we will do v6)
Platform: GameRanger
Period: From 04 September to 30 September 2017

Match Rules: 1000 Starting Resources; 1x Command Point Factor; No Custom Heroes; Standard Rules. All games are best of 3 except final and semi-finals.

You can play Ford of Isen only on 3rd and 5th game.
You can post in Sign-Up & Tracking Topic your Faction or tell me in Private Message if you want keep secret until the end of Sign-Up period. If you don't post your faction I will choose for you.
You can play only 1 faction for all tournament.

Map Pool:
  • Tombs of Karna For the most brave this is a NEW Map
  • Morthond Valley For the most brave this is a NEW Map
  • Erech
  • Rohan
  • Rohan II
  • Westfold
  • The Old Forest
  • Tyrn Gorthad
  • Lothlorien: Eryn Laer
  • Hollin
  • Midgewater
The on-host player must pick the map. You can't pick Ford of Isen for neither for 1st and 2nd.
The 3rd (or 5th) match (if one is necessary) will be played on Ford of Isen and on Neutral Host

Match Organisation: It is up to each player to find out their opponent using Challonge, contact them (referring to the Sign-Up & Tracking Topic) and get their matches under way. Is important for us track the capability of a player to find his opponent.
You must play your games within the specified month. Month will be splitted in sessions. You and your opponent should decide which days of session n°# your games are to be played. Number of sessions depends on the total number of participants.

For example: If there are 16 players, the first match (round of 16) must be played during the 1st session. The Quarters Finals then have to be played during the 2nd session, and the Semi Finals during the 3rd session. If we are able to find 16 participants, you would have to play 1 match (best of 3 games) per week.
Session can be (if we are 16 players) like these:
  • You must complete your 1st session before 13.09.2017 23:59
  • You must complete your 2nd session before 20.09.2017 23:59
  • You must complete your 3rd session before 27.09.2017 23:59
  • The final and battle for the 3rd place will be take place on 30.09.2017

Refrees and Organizers will judge who should proceed to the next round if 2 players are unable to play each other.


A monetary victory prize is guaranteed £66 GBP to who win tournament!
Second player will win £22

Thanks to:

Espeon (ID:8708923) - £44
Isildur1 (ID:4624791) - £22
DerFalke (ID:8248354) - £22

, the Tournament Winner Award is up for grabs. Winners will also be listed in Hall of Champions. 4 points will be given to the winner, 2 to the runner-up and 1 to the third winner.
All participants who play their matches before they are eliminated (including those who win the tournament) will be given 1 additional point in Black & White List.
Having more points allows you to play future tournaments over other players who have fewer points.
You will also lose 1 point in Black & White List should you leave the tournament before elimination.

Replays: Please save all replays and upload them in the Replays Section with an appropriate title: (I.e. "XvsY Tournament Round 16", " XvsY Tournament Quarter Finals"). If you fail to do so, you may be asked to re-play your games. All decisions will be made by Referees or Organizers. Worst of cases you could be eliminated from tourney.

Registration: (Closes at 08:00 (GMT) 03 September 2017)
You must post your Game Ranger ID and name in the Sign-Up & Tracking Topic.
Refer to the Challonge site to view your opponents using the link provided once the registration period has closed.

If you have any questions, please contact the Refrees or Organizers:
MauHuR - ID: 222730