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Rise of the Witch King

The struggle vs Andy

Fords of Isen (original)
Fords of Isen (original)
#1Luke6193  Sep 8 2017, 15:11 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
Played some games with Andy before, this was by far the best.
My Mordor vs Andys Motw.

Lost a very early builder which set me back significantly but ended up coming back into it for a gg.

Tips for self:
-Don't waste your fucking balrog when you're the one who asked for the nerf but then forgot about it! sad.gif
-Don't buy a fucking fellbeast late game when he has upgraded archers, rohirrim, eomer, gandalf etc.
- Don't use a wyrm and then forget about it, resulting in nothing acomplished.
-Use haradrim archers much earlier.

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This post has been edited by TheDestroyer001: Sep 24 2017, 05:18 AM
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