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Rise of the Witch King

Divine vs [xXx] Decent comeback!

#1JaN-To  Jul 19 2010, 00:28 AM -
Replays: 42 Game:
There are not many games to enjoy on such a disappointing patch like 2.5, but this was funny. I thought it was lost and we still won. Omarion had the host so don't be shocked when you see my Rogash dying.

Me- Ang
Meteora- Dw
Frankiej- Motw
Omarion- Gobs
#2Platino  Jul 19 2010, 12:15 PM -
Rogash and gg, unplayable vs this hero, every sword shoot level up, Jan-to waiting 3k for create him fast.. awesome tactics, he know that Rogash is OP and try to do him fast.
#3JaN-To  Jul 19 2010, 12:36 PM -
Replays: 42 Game:
Hmm... I don't think he is that OP. He died quite fast.
#4FriTZZ  Jul 19 2010, 12:58 PM -
Replays: 17 Game:
he died once, but only because of your fail micro tongue.gif

#5Platino  Jul 19 2010, 13:09 PM -
Hmm... I don't think he is that OP. He died quite fast.

if u think he isnt op, why u create him very fast?
#6Platino  Jul 19 2010, 13:09 PM -
he died once, but only because of your fail micro tongue.gif

#7JaN-To  Jul 19 2010, 14:49 PM -
Replays: 42 Game:
Ehhh, I didn't even ask for money. Brandon said "Take" and I asked if I should go for Rogash. He is quite useful vs Goblins. I didn't want to abuse an OP heroe, lol.
#8-FaLLeN  Jul 19 2010, 16:54 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
Platino why do you think everything is OP or UP?
#9Platino  Jul 19 2010, 17:20 PM -
Platino why do you think everything is OP or UP?

#10DucK™  Jul 19 2010, 17:21 PM -
Platino I've been playing vs Jan'to for years now and he's always done that with Angmar not because Rogash is OP, but just cause it's the way he plays.

Rogash isn't OP, just rather strong tongue.gif
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