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Rise of the Witch King

Why nobody isn´t uploading something ?

#1puregewalt  Jan 13 2018, 01:05 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
GG 3v3

Music - Elves
Dolberg - Men
Geocommand - Angmar

prima - Dwarves
Victor - Isengard
Lizo - Elves
This post has been edited by puregewalt: Jan 13 2018, 18:45 PM
#2TheRingisHot  Jan 13 2018, 13:27 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
bcz unless you need to request advice, there is little to no reason to upload weak reps
#3brabox  Jan 13 2018, 17:59 PM -
Replays: 97 Game:
Don't listen to him.

Upload replays you think are entertaining or good.

But can you please specify the factions in this replay?
Music* = Faction?
Dolberg = Faction?
ViCToR = Faction?
prima4n|}~ = Faction?
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