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Rise of the Witch King

How to play this mu

Fords of Isen (original)
Fords of Isen (original)
#1puregewalt  May 20 2018, 15:49 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Me gobs
DJP isen
#2TheRingisHot  May 21 2018, 11:51 AM -
Replays: 19 Game:
your first rush was almost perfect, but instead of keeping the pressure up you let him get back up on his feet. Use your lings as scouts and basically force him to stick him into his base (you don't need to immediately engage all the time) and deny him any creeps (1bat gobbos can creep warg lair). But most importantly don't switch into a 3 cave build after such a massive start off. The long(er) term investment is not worth it. One or two caves is enough to produce gobs for creeping and to fend off small stacks that might pass through your gate-keep.

Basically what happened: you let him get back up on his feet through creeping and passiveness. The follow-up on this patch for Isen after uruks + duns = wargs, which negated your gob spam completely.

Instead of 3rd bat Lings and 2+3 cave, I would suggest earlier Spider riders and half trolls (first pike to creep troll, Swords afterwards)to secure the prize and gain access to corsairs. they are pretty good for as long as you can deny him wargs
#3DJ_Premier  May 21 2018, 13:23 PM -

Replays: 53 Game:
If i remember rightly i went afk for 30secs or so right at the start so you rekt my eco, but you didn't use your eco advantage right, i agree earlier spider riders would've helped but also microing them better as you lost too many for nothing. Also you should've gone heavy on the archers early game because you saw i went steading-pit so there's no way i would have cav anytime soon, you can be more aggressive with your GW if you know there's archers at home to defend.
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