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Rise of the Witch King

[Quali] Motoma (Ang) vs DJParson (Men) Match 2

#1Motoma  Feb 2 2016, 11:02 AM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Tournament game 2
This mu is kinda silly atm
#2DJParson  Feb 2 2016, 11:42 AM -
Replays: 88 Game:
Tournament game 2
This mu is kinda silly atm

Yes, this patch is really hard for me as MotW player. Especially versus Angmar my normal strategy doesn´t really work anymore. I tried doing archers first in a few other games to stop the gundabad-spam since SoGs can´t catch them but it really isn´t all too successful.
This game was also pretty bad played by me with the first two battalions so I guess I was too far behind too early and could not come back in the mid-game as I usually do versus Angmar.
Anyway, wp Motoma
#3bushit  Feb 2 2016, 18:39 PM -
ye it seems dumb to me too, I can only guess that 2x rax then stables is the way, but I'm not sure.
#4MauHúR  Feb 2 2016, 19:11 PM -

Replays: 161 Game:
Tournament game 2
This mu is kinda silly atm

Yes, this patch is really hard for me as MotW player. Especially versus Angmar my normal strategy doesn´t really work anymore. I tried doing archers first in a few other games to stop the gundabad-spam since SoGs can´t catch them but it really isn´t all too successful.
This game was also pretty bad played by me with the first two battalions so I guess I was too far behind too early and could not come back in the mid-game as I usually do versus Angmar.
Anyway, wp Motoma

Try Stables after 2 Sogs without 4th farm. Works for me.
#5DJParson  Feb 2 2016, 19:32 PM -
Replays: 88 Game:

Try Stables after 2 Sogs without 4th farm. Works for me.

Hmm, I will try it out
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