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Rise of the Witch King

2v2 comeback on Hobbiton

#1Jaberwaukee  Sep 30 2017, 22:42 PM -
Replays: 34
jaber mordor
jom elf
liam dwarf
hunter ang
#2bushit  Oct 1 2017, 03:20 AM -
Can't tell if u guys were playing seriously or not

Liam's Build Order

IPB Image ->IPB Image -> IPB Image -> forward IPB Image within sight of Jaber Orc Pits -> IPB Image (within fort arrow range) -> IPB Image -> IPB Image
  • Fun tactic as (I like using forward rush statues myself) but after your fast rax / forward doomed farm + statue, eco is too weak to keep up mid game...unless your ally helps you massively or you take out one enemy entirely. (That and jaber threw away an army going for your fort).
  • Don't put statue in fort range unless you're going for the fort itself.
  • nice early hearth, perfect for angmar thralls, also served as a fun team focal point on map, uniting your forces
  • so interesting play but you are doomed from the start unless you and hunter make big plays later on
  • Safer start: 2 farms near fort, 3rd forward but out of enemy fort vision range, 4th or 5th perhaps on your ally's side to double his enemy with your next wave of guardian/pike. Somewhere that he can defend it too.
    Or creep lair first, then rush.

Hunter's Angmar Tactic

lots of IPB Image + IPB Image
    + misc. Rhudaur Pikes
  • nice idea to double jaber but not enough farms killed, he had no unit since PBs destroyed, so take out farms
  • you knew elf was going to send units to defend mordor, so harass elf farms in meantime
  • in general this game had lots of teamwork (really a 2v2 not two 1v1s), but the early game tactics made it more difficult mid game
  • why focus down Elf lv 2 stables? worried about lindon? imo I'd rather just destroy more trees and keep more of those wolf riders / dire wolves alive a bit longer to kill elf units

Jome's Elf Tactic

  • Made pikes, archers, some cav. Then while on 4 farms and 150cp army, goes for fort eagle. This was around the everyone has a 10 power point mark.
  • wtf gonna steal this fort eagle rush tactic

Jaber Mord

Idk about you but when I'm any army vs dwarf, doesn't matter if 1v1 or 4v4 (unless on pro map like nandu ofc), I usually build production behind my fort or to the side of it. Too fragile and vulnerable at front as fort defenses don't help enough and those rc'd guardians from forward mine can just power in. But in back with fear/debuff/arrows? Tougher and riskier for the dwarf.
This post has been edited by bushit: Oct 1 2017, 03:37 AM
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