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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

Isen Vs Goblins

#1Jase  May 11 2008, 00:50 AM -
Replays: 44 Game:
I am posting this for my brother.

I know isengard own goblins but this guy took 30 mins to beat my goblins with his isengard where he only just won, and then we rematch with my isengard and his goblins, you can guess what happens. But this is a good replay, altho short to show some players how it's done smile.gif

thanks george

#2WhiteTree  May 25 2008, 11:25 AM -
Replays: 8 Game:
Tis mine ohmy.gif
#3WhiteTree  May 25 2008, 12:36 PM -
Replays: 8 Game:
#4Jase  May 25 2008, 22:23 PM -
Replays: 44 Game:
thanks for review
#5Oliver de Clisson  Nov 30 2018, 18:01 PM -
If stupid noobs play goblins ofc Isen kill them.
But if you go for Scavenger and spam spider pit,fissure (especially giants), upgrades and goblins isen have very hard time.
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