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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

Rhapsody|Flame vs JR|JuanRing

#81dmeloh  Sep 7 2010, 03:08 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
#82Oliver de Clisson  Dec 23 2017, 16:24 PM -
Scavenger and not Drogoth won Avatar the Game. Scavenger is completly OP and should be nerfed. You get 90 ressources for killing a whole Uruk Piken Battalion and für a Wildmen battalion 60 ressources. WTF, why no one ever complained avout this unbalancded PP??!!! I noticed the same in Ace Yodas 1v1 oin Hollin, where he got ressources like hell with scavenger. So thius means Scavenger even in 1.09 is too strong.

JUANRing dont go for Dunland Warriors they arent good against goblins. Get Uruk SWORDSMEN and Crossbowsn alongside upgrades and Wargriders. But you didnt and that lost you the game. The game were already lost for you when the enemy picked scavenger, which he shoud have done quite faster, then you would have killed you much quicker. But no wonder, because goblins are one of the strongest factions in the game.

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