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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

EaE|Avatar vs [RT]Folcred

#21A^atar  Aug 11 2007, 21:29 PM -
Thanks Raiden! It was well-deserved imo, such an epic game.

And gg to you Folcred, that was the funnest game I've played for a long time.
#22Radiohead  Aug 16 2007, 19:02 PM -
Replays: 8 Game:
not to be a dick, but why did this get silver. It was entertaining but there were some big mistakes. THe ent summon he used would have killed the fort but for some reason he retreated the ents wacko.gif also stances wernt all that often used. Imo i dont think this is a silver but gratz anyway.
#23Jim Jam  Aug 17 2007, 21:49 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
will watch smile.gif
#24Landsey  Aug 18 2007, 04:50 AM -
Replays: 0
Wouldn't the elf have won with Noldurs instead of mirks? tongue.gif
This post has been edited by Landsey: Aug 18 2007, 04:50 AM
#25iLLeGaL  Nov 14 2007, 08:42 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Well Played.
#26Oliver de Clisson  May 13 2017, 23:36 PM -
"Well played". Good Joke -.-

Elve played so awful.

He didnt harass enough, he didnt rebuild his stables, he put his archers all in front of the dormitory expansives of men so very much of his units got so unnecessary shot by the rangers in them and allowed men to gain enoug pp to get rohirim pp, to counter ents. And the most "wtf WHY -.-" decision of elve was, that he stopped his ents throwing stones on the enemys fortress, although he was in 100% sucessful process to take down it down, but he disabled rock throwing and ran away with his ents. DONT KNOW WHY OMG. Men didnt deserve victory because elve was making too many stupid mistakes.
Elve please dont send your units in front of enemys fortress, rather put them in correct distance around mens base so that they can kill/shoot all units that appear out of the Unit Production Buildings. And if he had get stabsles he would had siege men in his base and harass his farms with fast cavallery. And while you lock enemy in his base, build ent moot to destroy enemys base from the distance.
This post has been edited by Johann Tilly: May 29 2017, 17:26 PM
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