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Rise of the Witchking 2.01

Goblins vs Dwarves - Solid Comeback!

#41Elrohir  Sep 8 2010, 19:23 PM -
Well mostly with Dwarves you'll end the game even before you get to the stage where you need heroes tbh lol. tongue.gif
#42MikaStar`  Oct 27 2010, 02:18 AM -
Gobs vs Dwarf isn't so hard on ford in my opinion.
#43LikeAWind  Dec 5 2010, 15:39 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
this game isnt that good... for sure it was a nice comeback for elrohir... but there were ALOT better games of him.
(dw (Nevets) vs gobs (Elrohir) FTW!!)
#44Oliver de Clisson  Jun 23 2018, 13:11 PM -
QUOTE(LikeAWind @ Dec 5 2010, 15:39 PM)
this game isnt that good... for sure it was a nice comeback for elrohir... but there were ALOT better games of him.
(dw (Nevets) vs gobs (Elrohir) FTW!!)

Yes. Dwarve bad play and goblin stupid hero noob.
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