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StarCraft 2

ZvT on Tel'Darim

Shakuras Plateau
Shakuras Plateau
Zerg MasterBait
show winner
Terran Razuik
#1oG.Darkn3ss  Apr 29 2011, 20:06 PM -
I think Zerg should "all-in" more!

This replay is a great example of why it's a good idea to baneling bust off 2 base vs terran that fast expands and tries to go mech. I'm not even sure whether you should call it all-in or not cuz I don't see a way for zerg to NOT do any damage.

Yes, if terran walls off with beefier buildings it might be harder but same thing happened the game before vs a different player. Terran that fast expands just doesn't get his hellions in time to deal with mass speedling and you already know how marines feel about banelings.

Have a look, it's fun!
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