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Supreme Commander

Necrosjef vs Zhrance

#1Necrosjef  Mar 22 2007, 14:33 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Zhrance started a little better than me i think, i sacrifced eco for a speedy t2 and it seemed to work. I managed to nail his t2 factory in the process. After this he starts making alot of defence and we both tech to bots and it turns into a bit of a war at times.
#2Dewey Face  Mar 22 2007, 20:13 PM -
Replays: 0
rather one sided imo...in that situation aeon will always win...sigh
better tier 3 bots
better shields
better intercepters
better artillery
better (sorta)point defense

And that was the entire game pretty much

all cybs got going for it at that point is its tac missle...its hard to utilize stealth to bring cyb to an even footing..How big is the stealth radius of the deciever? Maybe a stealth attack of deciever in transports + horde of renegades would be possible =o.

#3Necrosjef  Mar 23 2007, 00:00 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Better to use stealth fields + shields + t2 artillary. Makes it very difficult for your opponent to target anything if you have good air coverage. Also useful to hide a t2 PD emplacement close to them make 4 or so t2 pds on your hill under stealth then open fire.
#4Dewey Face  Mar 23 2007, 07:31 AM -
Replays: 0
Thats pretty cool =o...I wish cybrans had more actual cloaking to even out the play field a bit.

I love making stealth tac missles near the enemy base with stealth transports! its so fun =o

I also wish the stealth sonar at tier 3 for cybs came earlier..like even at t1 for secret navel bases..and then it finally moves at tier 3 or something. It would make things at least a bit more fair at sea.

I want most of the cybrans buffs to focus on the whole stealth aspect...making them truely interesting to play as and against..and different then the other factions.
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