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Supreme Commander

[R] SuperiorX vs Uriel

#1SuperiorX  Feb 25 2007, 06:53 AM -
Replays: 63 Game:

A war of atrition both of as used commies for offense it yielded good results and in turn made it a very close game.

Considering that we are m8s we sure didnt have our palms open but clenched fists of t1 units. smilie_naughty.gif
This post has been edited by SuperiorX: Feb 25 2007, 06:54 AM
#2Soulkeeper  Feb 25 2007, 07:17 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Nice start from Superior, I like the way he shot out with a couple of hunters and a mole - time for an early morning raid!

Uriel had the same idea, unfortunately, he just didn't execute it in time.

These two were well matched, and while the main battle was going on with their T1 assault bots/tanks both players made a strong effort to attack each others economies. Both players reacted well to each others moves. If I didn't know better, I'd say I was watching clones, both players deployed the same tactics and made use of the equivalent units for each faction. It's a shame it didn't last longer.

7.5 (It'd be higher - but the game ended before I could see some good strategy. I look forward to future battles between you two.)
#3Zavior  Feb 25 2007, 10:50 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:

SuperiorXIPB Image vs. IPB Imageuriel

Open Palms
IPB Image

Game length - 15mins

Game Summary:

A game played between friends, starts quite even and continues with the initial expansion and skirmish around the mass points. While SuperiorX shows the cybran early game advantage while pushing and holding down uriel's expansion, uriel is able to stand up and launches counter attack with commander as support!

SuperiorX IPB Image

+ Sent mole with hunters - running blind helps nobody!
+ Pushing the left flank with your commander was nice
+ Strong economy for the whole game - though you had over 800+ energy, and lacked mass, you didn't build any fabricators, even few might have helped

- Tech up? Couple of those mobile missile launchers might have been good idea.
- Radar?

Quite solid play, not many mistakes there.

uriel IPB Image

+ Reclaiming resources in your starting position
+ Strong offensive push with your commander as support - you did right not to waste your units one by one against his comm & defense
- Your beginning build order sucked - use of a 'move' command will help in cases like that, since then commander will use the nanolathe from further away.
- You let his engineer finish that t1 land factory, while you had tank shooting at the factory, if you only had destroyed the engineer :|

A bit of struggling the beginning, but you got on your feet and started fighting! Though you were behind in mass you were able to push out a quite effective counter attack.

Game Rating - 5/10
This post has been edited by Zavior: Feb 25 2007, 10:50 AM
#4wolfman  Feb 25 2007, 16:09 PM -
Replays: 18
Uriel needed to be building some scouts and lobos. That would have made his force twice as effective.

SuperiorX, you need more factories earlier. Would have made it alot easier for you.
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