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Supreme Commander

Nice game on theta

#1Der Spatz  Jul 25 2007, 23:00 PM -
Replays: 2
Hi, Today i got matched on Theta vs ryguy... He just seemed to do everything a little better than I did. A review would be nice!
#2RedClaw  Jul 27 2007, 12:11 PM -
Replays: 0
Nice game. You could have won the game by letting him sit around in his base though.

Mid T2 he started building base defenses and you had killed almost all of his mexes with total map control. Imo you should have build a forward outpost with some t2 arties on it, instead you suicided a couple of squads and then retreated to your base leaving the map open to anybody who would send an engi out.

On a second note: Don't suicide your experimentals so quickly. Many players make the same mistake: "experimental done? ok send it to the front line". The monkeylord is very nice for defence same goes for the Soul Ripper.

Very nice game from both players otherwise.
#3MinimaDeMalis  Jul 27 2007, 14:08 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
wouldnt say he did everything better than you. You had the upper hand at around 10 minutes. He stalled for Energy badly, he had only 2 T1-PGens, 1 Hydro and spent minutes building a T2-PGen. You had a nice groub of units close to that T2-Pgen (and you had scouted it!), you couldve easily taken it down and thrown his eco back to where he was 2 minutes ago.
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