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Supreme Commander

1v1 ranked - i need help!!

#1newbe456  Aug 28 2007, 00:40 AM -
Replays: 6 Game:
i thought i was doing ok but he teched up faster. can i please have some input on how to play better. thanks.
#2The_Puppeteer  Aug 28 2007, 03:20 AM -
Replays: 3
Hey there. Im no pro but Ive played a few games. From what i can tell you lost because you got out produced.

Always harass the opponents outlining mexes and engies. Usually 1 scout and 1 light bot is enough. Kill engies first and then hit buildings. Run away if a bigger force is coming to kill your harassing units. You need to get out harassment forces early and keep pumping them. If nothing else, they are an annoyance that makes your opponent feel like he is getting attacked from multiple fronts. Your goal is to keep your opponent off mass early.

The value of Mass:
Pitiko was constantly expanding. He went all the way to the top of the map with engies and built mexes. At the 9 minute mark he had double your mass production and he had 3x by 18min. It compounds up until tech 3. At tech 3 you can super turtle and mexes become pretty moot. Mass fabs are good. You did build them but they were in a long line. when one died, they all died.

Your first T2 Tank rolled off the line at the 18 minute mark (from what I saw). Saltrock Colony is a pretty small map, so you want T2 in the first 7-8 minutes. the way to do this is is to have many engineers to help force assist. You should have your first factory make 2-4 then a few (3-5) harassment units then more engineers. The general rule of thumb is that 1 factory with many engies on it is better than many factories without. At that point build 1 or 2 T2 engies followed by tanks and missle launchers. Use the engies to build power gens to support fab farms.

In conclusion
T2 by 8min
Build more economy(mex and fabs)

Thats all I have for now, other players please feel free to expand on my points or rip them to shreds.
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