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Supreme Commander

Another 1v1 ranked

#1newbe456  Aug 29 2007, 21:19 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
well i tried some of the things you guys said last time but I'm still doing really bad. what do i need to do.
#2Tman  Aug 30 2007, 03:24 AM -
Replays: 0
You did a lot better, but you only addressed a few things from your last match.

1) no air factory, you were attacking blind. You had no idea what you were walking into.
2) you again wasted a lot of mass (5K out of 25K collected)
3) you ignored naval on Saltrock again
4) very few engineers assisting
5) only one mex upgraded to T2
6) you provided a "token" force north.
7) No radar?? why??

Let me tell you how you could have won that match:

If you would have marched your comm with your horde, you could have overcharged both LFs and his AF. You got all his units that were there, including all PD, but his T2 tanks came off the line & punished you. Had you had your comm there, no factories would have been left.

Rushing with your comm is risky business. I personally am too conservative to do that, but that's how you would win that match.

IMO, there are three basic ways to win on Saltrock:

1. Flood north with T1 units, followed up by engineers to claim mexes and have T1 force hold a border closest to the enemy and get to T2 fast and then attack head-on.

LF1 -> repeat engineers (mex, reclaim, building pgens, assisting factories)
LF2 -> repeat 1 scout, 3 light bots, 1 tank and waypoint midway between you & enemy
LF3 -> same as LF2, but waypoint north
AF1 -> repeat scouts with patrol over entire island
LF4 -> same las LF3
LF5 -> 3 engineers and then upgrade to T2, with engineers assisting, keep adding engineers to assist
AF2 -> repeat intys
NF -> Repeat subs

2. Hold the borders & harass north and go naval
LF1 -> repeat engineers (mex, reclaim, building pgens, assisting factories)
LF2 -> repeat 1 scout, 3 light bots, 1 tank and waypoint midway between you & enemy
LF3 -> same as LF2, but waypoint north
AF1 -> repeat scouts with patrol over entire island
NF1 -> repeat subs
NF2 -> 3 engineers, upgrade to T2 & spam destroyers
AF2 -> repeat intys

3. Rush to T2
LF1 -> 4-5 engineers, 1 scout, 3 tanks, 20 engineers
LF2 -> 3 engineers, upgrade to T2

As soon as the factory is upgradede to T2, march your comm directly towards enemies base, having T2 factory 1xT2 tank + 4xT2 MML with waypoint just outside your enemies base. Your comm marches in, overcharges and retreats back into your now building T2 horde.

A few additional notes: you should have at least 1 engineer assisting all T1 factories except AF1 which since it's only doing scouts. T2 factory should have every other spare engineer assisting.

Upgrade first mex to T2 at 4 min mark, and upgrade 3 more in sequence as each mex completes it's upgrade.

Build 20xT1 pgens with 2-3 engineers. Once T2 factory, have two T2 engineers build 2xT2 pgens + 1 t2 shield - use T1 engies to assist.

Build 2 radars and 1 sonar
This post has been edited by Tman: Aug 30 2007, 03:26 AM
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