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Supreme Commander

1v1 Winter Duel / Mech Marine Spam vs T2 Rush

#1Vibora  Jul 12 2007, 04:31 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Hi Friends,

I heard so much the Nerf Mech Marine that I tried a different tactic spamming it in a very straight map, the Winter Duel.

The game was pretty interesting where I lose the middle and got it back.

This game is against my Friend Magno who is now about 560 in 1v1 rank.

We are not pro, but not newbie for sure. For player over Top 1000 I assure you can learn something here.

My tactic is just a first try, but Magno used the well known T2 rush.


Thank you in advance and any review will be very welcome. thumb.gif
#2ntropy  Jul 12 2007, 22:13 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
alot of action. really nice what you did with those bots.
you could have shot half his eco, especially the mass fabs, that would have forced him to shield up.
#3Vibora  Jul 13 2007, 04:04 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Its true, I kept so much attention and keep him busy that I didn't manage to think about the possibilities.

But if you check the email for his perspective, he waste a lot of resources because didn't have time to turn back the attention to the main base, this is why I think he build the resource generators so advanced.

Anyway, it was a first try.

Thank you for your comments.
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