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Supreme Commander

RDon vs. Rohandar

#1RDon  Mar 4 2007, 20:06 PM -
Replays: 23 Game:
So, what am I supposed to do in this situation? I still don't have my finger around how to counter a total comm rush into your base. Should I have kept my comm in my base? Kept my comm next to his? Used my comm to take out his army?

Usually when this happens, I do exactly what I did in this game and try to wreck his base, but that didn't quite work this time. What's the right thing to do here?

#2Eshez  Mar 4 2007, 20:11 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
You should spot him early enough to put some PDs up. Two are quite Enough to make sure he won't live to tell about the chaos he caused smile.gif.

In some cases You have to go for the draw, which kinda sux.

Didn't watch this so dunno what case this way, might take a look in a while.
#3Feinam  Mar 4 2007, 20:14 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
I liked your opening build micro and harassment, but there were a few things that could have really helped.

One option is to use your commander to set up a middle staging area with a few factories and pd.
Artillery can utterly wreck a commander who's pushing into your territory. Many top players use almost entirely artillery in small maps to start off.
You could have done massive damage to his base with a few overcharges. With a rounded economy at that point in the game you could have one shotted his thermo and two factories in the same time you were in there.
#4DreamcastJunkie  Mar 4 2007, 20:19 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
I think lack of AA hurt you just as much if not moreso than the comrush itself. Those bombers had a field day with your Auroras and then moved on to your pgens. sad.gif
#5RapierX  Mar 4 2007, 20:38 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Some of this is easier to say, than to actually put into action but some things I noticed.

4:30ish you spotted his commander, you try to put a pd up in the bottom right. However, you tried to put the pd too close, didnt pull your engineer back enough to finish it. I usually try to give my engineers enough space that I know they'll finish the pd, of course I and everyone else fucks up here too, but it's not worth losing your engineer over.

5:10 or so, your commander is heading towards his, you choose instead to push towards his base.

6:30 His commander is really close to your base, and you did not put enough effort into getting pd's up, you had more engineers that could have helped. Also, after this you chose to go after mexes instead of leveling his base with your comm, why? post-13661-1143531603.gif You also had plenty of mass, factories in top left would have helped, but only if you had built pd's quicker in your base, instead of another factory.
#6RapierX  Mar 4 2007, 20:39 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Lack of AA hurt but being quicker to push into enemy base would have helped a lot more than AA. Although obviously you'd want to get AA up.
#7FunkOff  Mar 4 2007, 22:38 PM -
Replays: 26 Game:
Hmm... he lost for a couple reasons.. he squandered his initial forces agaisnt a large group of rohandar's forces... and thus couldn't push back
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