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Supreme Commander

2v2 Isis

#1Kleatus  Aug 21 2007, 07:34 AM -
This was a fun game I played with a buddy of mine. We're really just getting into Supcom and have been playing around with it a bit. Sadly I'm to detained by CoH to fully try and grasp Supcom but some tips would be good, plus it was an entertaining match I think.

#2Tman  Aug 21 2007, 08:22 AM -
Replays: 0
Glad you're enjoying SupCom! Best way to learn is to watch this replay and see what Sahanet does - particuarly with economy. Watch other replays and fire up a skirmish against the AI and see if you can equal their score and unit creation at each 5 min mark throughout the game.

Isis is such a turtle fest, getting economy to put out T4 or Nukes or Arty - best time to crack the turtles are at T2 with a transport drop. Eg - Even being behind - you could have slipped in 10 transports loaded with T2 tanks and wreaked havoc in Sahanet's back base.
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