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Supreme Commander

Hyde vs. KingsRevenge

#1KingsRevenge  Jul 15 2007, 05:08 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Here is a very fun and close game against Hyde. This is my first time playing the map, so I wanted to get more exposure to these differnet smaller player maps. I started off by trying to expand towards the south since that would've been the least likely attack front, and leave the north rather empty as i slowly push forward to gain ground. Hyde did some type of comm push and then started to bash my base. What could I have done differently to keep him back maybe build a turret?
#2Zavior  Jul 15 2007, 08:06 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
If you had followed him with your t2 tanks and your commander, he most likely would have lost the game, or gotten a draw from it. To counter that kind of comm push couple of point defences are fine.
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