Moose you had 3 battleship at Loui's base. He had like nothing left except 3 T2 tropedo lauchers, you could have wiped his whole base, like he recked yours, why back off?
Loui's navy was holding off Moose's battleships. He probably should have been able to wreck Loui's destroyers and cruisers, but Moose seemed to have persistent intel problems that kept him from using the battleships' superior range to full effect.
This post has been edited by Sindai: Jul 25 2007, 03:09 AM
Didn't like the replay at all, looks like Moose just gave up at some point or was just dicking around.
I mean you're playing against a cybran on a water map and you have 1 SAM at 40 minute mark? That's pretty sad. Well and 2 SR's took out your whole island, whoopty do.
I am aware that both players here are quite a bit better than me and that hindsight is 20/20 but a few things strikes me with this match..
* BattleMoose did not have any t2+ radar, and did not have any significance view coverage of the map. * After the first Soul Ripper ravaged his base, he did nothing to correct this, making it trivial to sneak another one in. * It also seemed the entire strategy was revolved around out-manefacture Sir Loui with ships. It just didn't seem to be a plan B in the picture... Nothing to build on the pressure the naval war created against Sir Loui. * In one of the first waves of t2 ships going across Sir Loui's base, BattleMoose had a group of torpedo bombers sitting nearby doing nothing.. At first I figured he maybe didn't want to lose them, but he sends them in when the ships are almost gone. Were they just forgotten?
All in all, I wouldn't really call this a great replay though it did feature some interesting ocean battles.
Allot of the critisms here are true, I had allot of very noob mistakes. :-( I am unfortunately VERY inexperienced with battleships, hardly ever build them.
As to the lack of sams and shields on my island, i think that alone lost me the game. Forced me to be more aggresive with my BS's than I would otherwise, sending them in without proper escourts.
In my defence, I did have 2 t3 spy planes flying around the map, but missing everything.
That being said, I still think it was a good game and it was fun, and I think entertaining to watch, frustrating for me to have lost, because for the most part, I think I was in the much stronger position.
Well, points for improvement would definitly be more intel in late game where being blind will cost you the game. Spy planes, radars, sonars. Take adventage of the islands, put up defended intel structures there. Just take some time to queue it up, doesn't cost much. If it helps you spot that SR when it lifts, it pays for itself.
I'm not sure what's effective for taking out SR's though.. I know UEF's T3 gunships does a good job, but I haven't found any other unit that will be able to take it out cost-effectively. Shields and T3 SAM sites will defend against a single one, but are useless against groups as far as I've experienced. Maybe cruisers can take them out from a distance on ocean maps?
As I've said here before, I'm a big fan of artillery for plan B. While you keep the pressure on, start putting up artillery structures on the islands. T3 artillery can be put up on the islands neighbouring your spawn point on that particular map and although they won't win you the game they increase the pressure on your opponent and forces him to leave his defended positions to deal with the problem. If he has large groups of ships, micro the artillery to attack these. If not, go for his main base.
I'm not sure what's effective for taking out SR's though.. I know UEF's T3 gunships does a good job, but I haven't found any other unit that will be able to take it out cost-effectively. Shields and T3 SAM sites will defend against a single one...
Not exactly, 20-30 SAMs can easily take out 5-6 SRs, provided your base is decently shielded and you manually tell SAMs to target SRs. I think shields are really key here, overlapping each other and protecting SAM sites.
A swarm of t1 inties (100+ in numbers) is also quite effective at bringing SR hp down, with the help of SAMs you just sit back and watch them melt.
In small numbers on big maps SRs shouldn't really pose a threat to experienced players.
Yeah this was a GG!