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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] Open Palms 2v2

#1UncertainCat  Oct 3 2010, 04:03 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
This is a 2v2 we did on open palms where my ally disconnected partway through. Detonates and Cicadas oh my.
#2unknownn  Oct 3 2010, 19:43 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
how do cicades work?
It seems to me that your enemy can only see the cicade when the stealth field is on.
cause the units under the stealth field weren't targetted.
Am i getting it right or can somebody pls explain to me what the cicade exactly does?
#3Cygnus A  Oct 3 2010, 20:48 PM -
Replays: 40 Game:
Cicada makes units invisible to radar and sight. His units under cicada can fire whilst you can't fire back. You can only target the cicada.
#4Dewey Face  Oct 4 2010, 04:38 AM -
Replays: 0
those cicadas are nasty
#5FunkOff  Oct 4 2010, 20:05 PM -
Replays: 47 Game:
This is a 2v2 we did on open palms where my ally disconnected partway through. Detonates and Cicadas oh my.

My favorite part was when YippyHippy's ACU was under attack by like 10 adapters and 5 loyalists. He brought int 15 loyalist to help, but detonated all of them and only killed the adaptors. Then he died. What epic fail.
#6UncertainCat  Oct 5 2010, 06:37 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
This is a 2v2 we did on open palms where my ally disconnected partway through. Detonates and Cicadas oh my.

My favorite part was when YippyHippy's ACU was under attack by like 10 adapters and 5 loyalists. He brought int 15 loyalist to help, but detonated all of them and only killed the adaptors. Then he died. What epic fail.

It was the other way around actually, I detonated his loyalists.
#7MaD ShoteR  Oct 9 2010, 01:14 AM -
Replays: 3
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