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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] Must... EXPAND!!!

#1100_Gundam_Exia  Oct 20 2010, 17:45 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
problem is that either blank or pulse would have fapped the hell out, only blanks to tend to get forty arty before mc and pulse wants mc before forty arty
#12Nephylim  Oct 29 2010, 15:12 PM -
Replays: 85 Game:
Ace: Don't not attack him for 15 minutes straight? Seriously, 10 loyalists is all he had to deal with.

Even if i'd been attacked by more, fort art and mex guns could hold off everything until mass conv.

Not if your opponent knows WHAT THE FUCK HE IS DOING tongue.gif
But, as usual in FFA matches, people stick their heads up their asses and dont attack the guy without combat units.
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