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Supreme Commander 2

[DLC] UncertainCat Vs Nephylim

#11UncertainCat  Dec 13 2010, 22:45 PM -
Replays: 46 Game:
Uhh, I *did* upload that replay. *Points to the other replay you commented on* I uploaded this one because I wanted to see what people thought of delaying factories and tanks until just the moment that you need them. So far it's done very well against 2 land factory openings, and I'm thinking I should try switching one of those land factories into an air factory.
#12splattedone  Dec 13 2010, 23:12 PM -
Replays: 52 Game:
I'm thinking I should try switching one of those land factories into an air factory.

You stole my idea, right out of my head! I hadn't even gotten a chance to test it yet tongue.gif.
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