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Supreme Commander 2

epic top 20 game 1vs1 50 mins long

#11bike_rush_ownz  Dec 6 2011, 03:31 AM -
Replays: 23 Game:
That was pretty epic n1qshok.gif

#12bike_rush_ownz  Dec 6 2011, 03:31 AM -
Replays: 23 Game:
There should be a replay control before posting to avoid losing time while watching.

- I saw replays with players even not moving the commander and the 2 first engies the entire game (lol).
- Some others think that posting a replay against computer AI is interesting.
- A few others think that posting their first ever game will teach something to someone.
- And finaly we have now a game with 2 people even not moving a single unit for 25 minutes and calling it an epic game.

I've respect for newbies, its not a question of level or skills, but some should think before posting.

++ Mentel

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