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Supreme Commander 2

Noah Cannon too Powerful?

#1buildegg.com  Mar 5 2010, 04:06 AM -
Replays: 1
View this replay to see the Noah Cannon wipe out 2-3 teams. This tactic may be intended, but coming from SupCom:FA it seems too accessible, too fast.
#2mystiqblackcat  Mar 5 2010, 05:19 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Wow, that was pretty crazy, I am trying to think how you would counter that. The best I know of is to scout his base and make a point to harass with air and destroy his research centers. If he is try to tech that leaves it 3 vs 4 right?
#3Inflames128  Mar 5 2010, 06:31 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Well, while that was cool to watch, I don't think that shows anything being OP, or at least, not drastically. I mean, they did not so much as peek at your team until you have it up and running. Most times, when at least one teammate goes Air, they send a few scouts around the map to check. In short, they had it coming. He could have scouted, and killed the ACU sooner. Or just as good, he could have scouted, and hit all the mass ex, and afterwards, hit either left over players base. The build times of the cannon seem a bit too fast, but that was about it.
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