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Supreme Commander 2

2v2 Commander Rush beay by 2 PD

#1lingman1337  Mar 5 2010, 10:06 AM -
Replays: 2
Since the commander deathnuke does not kill nearby commanders, there is some concern about two commanders rushing one in a 2v2 match.

Here, a commander gets rushed by two comms, and by quickly building two point defenses, manages to not only kill one of the commanders, but to survive the encounter. Now, i don't believe surviving the 2 commander rush is likely, but it should be entirely possible to knock out one with some regularity.

I am not saying this is surefire, or that it proves a 2 commander rush isn't a problem. I am saying, however, the target of this strategy is not without options, and if played well enough, can defeat it.
#2ntropy  Mar 5 2010, 11:46 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
On small maps you need intel first.
This post has been edited by ntropy: Mar 5 2010, 11:47 AM
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