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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Rock vs Grim on Williamsons -_-

#1HellsHound  Sep 9 2008, 20:08 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Me vs Rock - hate aeon on this map - shoot the ground to much.

#2unconq  Sep 10 2008, 09:20 AM -
Replays: 14
well done FATHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif biggrin.gif
#3pppippp  Sep 10 2008, 13:04 PM -
Replays: 0
Yep, you would have won if you could have overcharged and hit a few Hoplites near the end.
#4perkl  Sep 10 2008, 18:29 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Best defensive play I've even seen. Hooray for the little PD that could!
#5Ambien  Sep 20 2008, 04:29 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Point in the middle where if Aeon had focus fired on the auroras, he probbaly could have one. Enjoyable none the less.
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