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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance


#1Baron_Noir  Jul 13 2008, 19:19 PM -
Replays: 7
ClanWar divisionII tournament BFuss vs VAS; Baron_Noir vs Leaf

Game n°1 reminder : Leaf wins on Haven Reef
Game n°2 reminder : Baron_Noir wins on Syrtis Major

This is Game n°3 on Nilfheim

<<<spoiler>>> Leaf goes for heavy raiding and sends his com out fast, with t1 pd's to consolidate strategic spots.
I keep my com in my base to build lots of energy. I try to defend my reclaiming engies,and don' t expand fast.
Leaf's com appears west of my base, with an army of his on the east of my base. With the energy I get my com the weapon upgrade and send it seemingly towards Leaf's Base with a group of t1.
Then when his com nears my base, I call my com back and cut his retreat with my northbound army.

He told me he didn't see the gun upgrade, which is why he failed to get a draw.
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