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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Gnats3 vs iFAIL

Williamson's Bridge
Williamson's Bridge
#1Gnats3  Feb 2 2008, 20:01 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
I thought this was a nice game, so here it is. It isn't too long. A review would be appreciated.
#2snafu  Feb 2 2008, 21:31 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Did i saw it right, that you (gnats) suicided your acu for the draw? at least you exploded first with still yellow health. If yes: why?
#3Gnats3  Feb 2 2008, 21:51 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
Either there is a hot-key for self destruct that I wasn't aware of (other than ctrl-K) or he did it. Maybe the damage from the explosion reached my ACU before the effect did, and the UEF ACU's explosion effect moves faster than the Cybran one, so it looks like I exploded first? I don't know.
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