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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

This has got to be the record

#1FunkOff  Jun 2 2008, 10:12 AM -
Replays: 21 Game:
Out of all the games I'm seen, I think this is the absolutely closet to death anyone has ever come without exploding. Watch!
(Btw that little T1 factory saved my life!)
This post has been edited by FunkOff: Jun 2 2008, 10:13 AM
#2zzZzz  Jun 2 2008, 16:18 PM -
Replays: 4
So buildings will absorb damage for you in explosions like that? I thought it didn't matter except by radius only. Is there collision detection and damage reduction from factories???

Lucky bastard BTW cool2.gif Verity must have been pissed.
#3BlackFish  Jun 2 2008, 17:42 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
I think the building blocked one of Verity's shots that prevented funkoff to dipping below 4k, but I guess it could have been that.

Weird ending for such a map though.
#4FunkOff  Jun 2 2008, 21:22 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
Yeah. I walked around the factory to prevent him from shooting me more. 1 additional shot is all it would have taken.

The thing that makes this such a close game is all the different timing events... if he got torp upgrade 1 second sooner, or if I stopped upgrading my ACU 1 second later, of if I built those T1 PD 1 second later, or if his corsiar fired a single missile at me..... if any of those things was off by even a little bit I would have died with him.
#5KopiG  Jun 3 2008, 14:01 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
10 hp left at the point of explosion its just 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif 0wn3d.gif
#6QuakePhil  Feb 7 2009, 23:40 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
If its 10, then its not record, since you can have 9, 8, etc wink.gif

Btw, all the "ifs" means the game would have been different from that point on...

Anyway wp both
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