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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Finns vs Loui

#1FunkOff  May 4 2008, 20:30 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
Definitely an interesting game... Loui is a tough nut to crack.
#2Poita_  May 5 2008, 05:26 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
Another excellent game. Loui turtles well, but there's not much you can do with cruisers on your ass.

Well played.
#3Necrosjef  May 5 2008, 14:21 PM -
Replays: 8 Game:
Good watch this now and eat breakfast.
#4FunkOff  May 5 2008, 14:22 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
Heh. My only real mistake here was going percivals. I've never done T3 land on Finns before... apparently it costs a TON of mass.
#5Necrosjef  May 5 2008, 14:55 PM -
Replays: 8 Game:
Nice game, loui neglected air and it cost it him though. Without air control he was never able to move far outside his base without being attacked by that GG or later on by those stingers.

Cruisers were the icing on it really with those percys maurauding outside of louis base it was a matter of time whatever way you slice it. Good reclaiming from loui but funkoff played it perfectly with those mongoose harassment just keeping loui contained until he was ready to finish him.

Main mistake from louis POV was that he neglected air, if he had made some ints at the start they could have dealt with that GG and things might have been different. Even later on in the game int spam would have solved alot of your problems. Sera just don't appear to be that effective past t1 tho. Those t2 bots are good but funkoff had the space to kite them with his mongooses. When funkoff got his cruisers out a few TMD would have helped but I guess loui was resigned to defeat by that stage either way those percys would have finished him.

GG tho worth a watch, just another reason not to use sera at the moment imo.
#6FunkOff  May 5 2008, 16:50 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
I disagree. Seraphim is pretty sweet.
#7MelkorISU  May 6 2008, 11:38 AM -
Replays: 6
Ghetto gunship 4the win
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