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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Human > 3 AI's

#1Gnats3  Apr 8 2008, 22:38 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
Okay, usually I wouldn't submit a compstomp, but someone at the official forums needed a replay against more than 1 Adaptive AI. I didn't play my best, but I was happy since I managed to keep doing stuff and not stop to watch. Really makes me wish I had an APM counter for FA.

I didn't scout or bother to build T2 Pgens (which I should have done), TMLs, TMD, or several other things that I can't remember right now. I also probably should have used Pillars instead of Mongeese since I rarely bothered to micro the Mongeese.

Just a learning resource; feel free to let it drift to the bottom of the replay list.
This post has been edited by Gnats3: Apr 8 2008, 23:05 PM
#2Araton  Apr 9 2008, 15:47 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
thats no big deal i killed 7 AIs on Bermuda Locket tongue.gif
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