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Universe at War

2v2 with newbies

#1volcaniclostone  Sep 6 2009, 04:23 AM -
Replays: 22
This game is one funny game and one of my fav games. I'm allied with a newbie while Guses is allied with a newbie too. It soon bacame a battle between me and Guses mainly harrasment to slow each other down. It has alot of mistake which makes the game so funny.

#2AlexRuiz  Oct 14 2009, 00:21 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
I watched, and indeed it is very entrertaining. tongue.gif

Guses had mentioned before how he is more used to play ranked than custom, and it showed... he opened as if he was facing one player starting with medium resources smile.gif
He could have tweaked his build order to start with a mad rush to 3 Flight machinas because of the large resources.

It is kind of depressing when your ally is close to die at the 3 minutes mark. Guses decided to help his ally when he could have wiped your ally easily at the beginning. He even had inquisitor en route, but he moved them to help his ally. He took the gamble that his ally would provide some help after being saved.... and to be honest, his ally, while built slightly better than yours, was much les of a help. Your ally in contrast mounted a nice attack against Guses, who was never able to ramp up as he should because he was helping his ally.

Entertaining game, but I think he forfeited too soon.
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