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Universe at War

Conqueror League #1 Finals Game 1

#1vOddy  Mar 28 2010, 04:26 AM -
Replays: 23 Game:
vOddy Vs JAGX 387

Game 1

Novus Vs Hierarchy
#2Gromij  Mar 28 2010, 06:00 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Excuse the replay system's tardliness, this game is actually on apallachia ;p

Standby for vod! (and i dont mean the player ;p)
#3swanghard  Mar 29 2010, 16:14 PM -
Replays: 0
Wow, amazing game. Pretty much won it with ohm bots and vector. It was pretty darn impressive.
#4AlexRuiz  Apr 6 2010, 02:07 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
You outplayed him in this game very clearly. I thought you were doing wrong as you had not too much by the time he already had phase tanks. Then, a few ohms factories fixed that. The ohms and vertigo overpowered his army.

Wow, amazing play by Voddy!
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