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Dark Crusade

[CiC]DAS_CAPN vs PsYchO_Ape

#1GW_Fingolfin  Jul 9 2007, 21:21 PM -
Replays: 82 Game:
Original thread here

Replay Review by GW_SnIp3R

General Overview:

This is a great match for sure, what a truly phenomenal watch! I thoroughly enjoyed this one, so much so that I forgot to make my notes and had to watch it again! Truly back and forth action throughout, this match was simply brilliant. Das coming back from a weak position and PsYchO doing the same! It is really difficult to tell who will be the winner until Das hits T3 and unleashes the fury of the Emperor!

Well Played to both players!


General Overview:
You played tremendously in this match, your micro was brilliant although you had some lapses in some places, you never gave up and came back from a weak position. You had a solid eco that was greater than PsYchO’s even though you had less points! You used upgrades at the tactical control well and reached T4 right at the end. Well played

-Good micro throughout the game
-Killed several of his builders throughout the game
-Quick Lp2’s gave you good eco
-Good counter harass and great usage of the Command Squad
-Good usage of garrisons to get yourself outta trouble
-Used Chimmies mobility well
-You attacked his base and in doing so forced him to pull off attacking your points to run back and help
-Fastish Tech to T3 before the Chaos is what won you the game.

-Lost Gm squad by the outside point
-Lost GM squad by his base
-Lost your command squad cheaply
-Im not too sure but I think maybe 1 hellhound or maybe even two could have helped you immensely.

Very well played!

Player Rating : 8


General Overview:
Your initial harass of double raps seemed to have caught Das off guard and for a while you were in distinct control of the game, I feel that your slow teching to T3 cost you the game really, some possy with flames would have won you it. Instead you invested too much req in the raptors rather than teching and ultimately it cost you. Your gameplay was still brilliant however and your micro was great, you used your raptor jumps effectively and your cults to take the map. Well played.

-Good usage of Double Raps
-Kept Das off outside point for most of the game
-Good usage of cults throughout the game
-killed CS and recovered from a weak position
-Good usage of the Chaos Sorcer and his chains
-Researched power fists/power swords to make raps better

-Made a lord in T2 rather than tech up. This is what cost you ultimately as the Lord was ineffective at T2 and you teched slower than you should have because of it. The lord should only be produced at T1/T3 as they are when he is more effective. T2 you require only a chaos sorcerer.
-Slow teching cost you the game
-Not enough LP2’s!!! You had more points and yet had a smaller req intake because of lack of Lp2!
-Researched Sorc/Corruption. This wasn’t a good idea, corruption is not all that useful and you could have used that req for better eco/teching.

Player Rating : 7

Game Rating: 8

Entertainment Rating: 9

Great Game, truly brilliant

A Definite Silver Replay and a RotW!!!!!

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Jul 11 2007, 12:28 PM
#2Zane.  Jul 10 2007, 17:50 PM -
Replays: 22 Game:
boah.. awesome matchup .. that was really a vgg..
btw paul are u psycho ape?
#3GW_Fingolfin  Jul 10 2007, 17:56 PM -
Replays: 82 Game:
no WTF.gif i just put up the RoTW thread smile.gif
#4Zane.  Jul 10 2007, 19:37 PM -
Replays: 22 Game:
lol k .. great sig btw
#5Walshie  Jul 11 2007, 02:31 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Man, that was pure awesome! You lost 2-3 GM squads but your counter harass put you in t3 for ages before he even started. Very wp tongue.gif
#6Gw_xRaMPaGE  Jul 11 2007, 16:47 PM -
Replays: 51 Game:
I know, i mean who EVER expects IG to get to t3 before Chaos LOL
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