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Age of Empires 4

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Ultimate Collection now on steam.
World Series 2023 - The Big Final
World Series 2023 - Quarterfinals
World Series 2023 - Round 3
GFX Alive again

Age of Empires 4 News and Updates


Ultimate Collection now on steam.

Thursday, 7 Mar 2024
Hello everyone, it's been a while since we have had any news regarding the old games of Command & Conquer having a update as well as some additional information provided. Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection is now on steam and prices of the games have been reduced by 90% this is resulting in...

World Series 2023 - The Big Final

Wednesday, 18 Oct 2023
Final of the World Series 2023 is Friday 20th of October at 15GMT. Six weeks ago, the World Series 2023 kicked off with 64 players. Now there are only two players left: Vivid and Excal. These two will fight it out in a best of 15 where the winner will take the first prize of $3,500. The runner-up...

World Series 2023 - Quarterfinals

Wednesday, 4 Oct 2023
Hello Generals! The World Series 2023 has entered the quarterfinals! After weeks of big battles, we are now down to 8 players. Each of them already got a guaranteed $250 out of the $7,550 prize pool, and only one will take the big prize of $3,200. Click the link and see the generous sponsors we...

World Series 2023 - Round 3

Monday, 25 Sep 2023
World Series 2023 - Round 3Generals,Round 3 of the World Series 2023 is knocking on our door. Out of the 64 players that started in the World Series 2023, only 16 are left in Round 3. Currently, the two remaining sets from Round 2 are about to get played. Today (25 September) at 19GMT, Makaveli...

GFX Alive again

Wednesday, 7 Jun 2023
WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!In a momentous turn of events, the beloved GFX community has made its triumphant return. After a temporary closure that left many disheartened, the reopening of GFX sparks a renewed sense of excitement and creativity. Artists and designers can once again find solace and...
Special Feature

GFX Competition Details, £25 up for grabs!

Thursday, 3 Jun 2021
Art & Design competition.Throughout June we are very pleased to announce we will be having a "computer games themed" graphics and art competition for anyone on the site to enter.The idea is simple, you can submit any piece of art that fits into the theme of "computer games". This could be...